Whereas, the Free Countries located in Central and South
America and the Caribbean are expected to experience a rapid
population growth which will approach 600,000,000 persons by the
year 2000; and
Whereas, this quickening population growth and its accompany-
ing economic growth and expansion will greatly increase the de-
mands for new markets, new trade and new cultural exchanges; and
Whereas, the State of Maryland is fortunate in having available
the great Port of Baltimore, which ranks third among the nation's
seaports; the natural ports of the Chesapeake Bay with their ready
access to the Atlantic Ocean and the maritime trade of the world;
and Friendship Airport which has abundant facilities for inter-
national air travel and cargo; and
Whereas, the State of Maryland is similarly fortunate in having
a great and divergent historic and cultural heritage; and
Whereas, it should be incumbent upon the State of Maryland to
attract and foster continued and increasing trade, tourist and cul-
tural exchanges with our neighbors to the South; and
Whereas, the promotion and development of Central and South
American trade, tourism and cultural exchanges requires a better
understanding of the cultural, educational, social and economic
factors prevailing in these countries; and
Whereas, there exists various and diverse trade, educational and
cultural programs on all levels of government, and many prominent
authorities available in neighboring universities, private industries,
and governmental agencies, in such degree as to make necessary the
need of a commission in the State of Maryland, which could inter-
pret, consolidate, coordinate and make full use of these diverse
sources and promulgate programs lending to greater economic, edu-
cational and cultural ties between the State of Maryland and the
Free Countries of Central and South America; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Governor appoint a Commission, to be known
as the Maryland Commission for Latin American Affairs, to con-
sist of five persons to be composed of representatives of business,
labor, education, tourism and the public-at-large, whose tasks shall
be to advise the Governor and the General Assembly upon, and to
initiate and coordinate programs designed to foster, improve, in-
crease and encourage trade, tourism and cultural exchanges between
the Free Countries of Central and South America and the State of
Maryland, and be it further
Resolved, That this Commission report its progress to the Gover-
nor and the General Assembly, with any interim information as may
be required, from time to time, but at least semi-annually; and be
it further
Resolved, That said Commission shall explore and study, and re-
port its findings on, the establishment of a trade center which shall,
among other uses, be designed to foster educational exchanges be-