SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1571
Taxing Area or District," and to provide for the levy of taxes for
the payment of the cost of said street lights in said District, and
for other purposes; and providing for a referendum thereon.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Sections 116A and 116B be and they are hereby added to
the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany County (1963 Edition,
being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title
"Allegany County," subtitle "Cresaptown Special Taxing Area," to
follow immediately after Section 116 thereof, and all to read as
116 A.
(a) The Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County
are authorized, empowered, and directed to levy and cause to be
collected from the property owners at the time of the County Tax
levy for the year 1969, or any succeeding year, within said described
area of "Cresaptown Special Taxing Area or District" as created
by Chapter No. 169 of the Acts of the Legislature of 1939, such
amounts not exceeding thirty cents on each One Hundred Dollars
worth of assessable property in said "Cresaptown Special Taxing
Area or District," Allegany County, Maryland, as may be requested
by the duly constituted members of the said Cresaptown Civic Im-
provement Association. Such taxes shall be collected in the same
manner as is provided by Section 1 of Chapter 169 of the Acts of
1949 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland and shall be collected in
addition to the taxes therein authorized to be levied and collected
and shall be paid over by the Board of County Commissioners unto
the said Cresaptown Civic Improvement Association, a corporation.
(b) The taxes collected under the provisions of this Section shall
be used by the said Cresaptown Civic Improvement Association,
a corporation, to furnish street lights in said "Cresaptown Special
Taxing Area or District."
The Cresaptown Civic Improvement Association, a corporation,
shall have the power and authority to provide, by contract or other-
wise, for street lights in said "Cresaptown Special Taxing Area or
District" and to pay for said street lights out of the taxes levied as
hereinbefore provided by the County Commissioners of Allegany
County and paid over to the said Cresaptown Civic Improvement
Association, a corporation.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That before any tax shall be
levied under the provisions of this Act or any contracts shall be
entered into on behalf of the said "Cresaptown Civic Improvement
Association," a corporation, the question of such levy shall first be
submitted to the legally qualified voters of the said "Cresaptown
Special Taxing Area or District," as set forth and defined in Section
124B of Chapter 1 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland at a special
election to be held on the third Monday in July, 1968, being July 15,
1968, and which said election shall be by ballot under the direction
of the said Association and shall be between the hours of 8:00
A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on the day so set. The said Association shall