SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1523
County (1967 Supplement, being Article 17 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland), title "Prince George's County," subtitle
"George Washington Memorial Parkway," as last amended by
Chapter 662 of the Acts of 1967; to amend the laws relating to
the George Washington Memorial Parkway by making certain
borrowing powers of the Board of County Commissioners of Prince
George's County contingent upon the Federal Government's pro-
viding matching funds by a certain date.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 38-2(b) and 38-3(b) of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Prince George's County (1967 Supplement, being Article 17 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Prince George's
County," subtitle "George Washington Memorial Parkway," as last
amended by Chapter 662 of the Acts of 1967, be and they are hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments to read as follows:
(b) For the purposes stated in the preceding subsection 38-2(a),
the County is hereby further authorized and empowered to enter
into any agreement or agreements with the National Capital Plan-
ning Commission under which the County Commissioners for Prince
George's County shall obligate itself to reimburse the United States
to the extent of an additional four million five hundred thousand
dollars ($4,500,000.00), all upon the term provided in the preceding
subsection 38-2(a); provided, however that the Board of County
Commissioners for Prince George's County shall have no authority
under this subsection 38-2(b) to obligate Prince George's County for
a sum in excess of four million five hundred thousand dollars
($4,500,000.00) in the aggregate for expenditures of the type de-
scribed in this subtitle [.] and further provided that the borrowing
power of the County Commissioners is made contingent upon the
Federal Government's providing and making available for use by the
county matching funds by the date of January 1, 1969 JUNE 30, 1970.
(b) For the purposes stated in the preceding subsection 38-3(a),
the County is hereby granted the power and authority to borrow
money and incur indebtedness, from time to time, in an additional
amount not exceeding the sum of four million five hundred thousand
dollars ($4,500,000.00) and to evidence such borrowing by the issu-
ance and sale upon its full faith and credit of its serial maturity,
general obligation coupon bonds in like par amount, upon the terms
and conditions set forth in the preceding subsection 38-3(a) and in
this subtitle, provided, however, (i) that the total debt which may
be incurred pursuant to the authority of this subsection 38-3(b) shall
not exceed four million five hundred thousand dollars ($4,500,000.00)
and (ii) that the borrowing authority contained in this subsection
38-3(b) shall be exercised only if the Board of County Commissioners
for Prince George's County shall certify by resolution (which may be
the resolution authorizing the borrowing) that the United States of
America (or any agency or instrumentality thereof) has delivered to
the County a written commitment to provide the share of the United
States of America (or any agency or instrumentality thereof) in the
cost of any land acquisition being financed from the proceeds of such