Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Darlington, and Abingdon and Edgewood
area, who shall receive annual salaries of [thirty-five hundred dollars
($3,500.00)] forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500.00). In addition,
there shall be appointed a trial magistrate at large for Harford
County, who shall sit in Bel Air, who shall have full powers of
original jurisdiction as an alternate trial magistrate, who shall be
available as a substitute trial magistrate to sit as and where needed,
and who shall be paid an annual salary of [three thousand dollars
($3,000.00)] forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500.00); provided that
all of said magistrates may sit from time to time at other locations
in the county than those regularly designated. In the absence of the
magistrate at large it shall be the duty of any of the aforesaid trial
magistrates to act as substitute magistrates either voluntarily or at
the request of the chief magistrate of the People's Court of Harford
County. Said trial magistrates shall be designated and shall consti-
tute the People's Court of Harford County and shall be known as the
trial magistrates of the People's Court. The Governor shall designate
one of such magistrates as the chief trial magistrate of the People's
Court of Harford County, whose duty it shall be to call at least two
meetings of such magistrates annually in April and November for
the purpose of promoting an orderly and uniform system of justice
and of adopting a convenient hearing schedule. The magistrates of
the People's Court appointed for Bel Air and the chief magistrate
designated by the Governor shall be persons who have been admitted
to the practice of law in Harford County. The other magistrates au-
thorized by this section shall be members of the Harford County bar
if in the judgment of the Governor members qualified by experience
and temperament are conveniently available for such service. [All
magistrates in office on January 1, 1960, shall continue in office, and
be eligible for reappointment.]
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act
shall not be construed to extend or apply to the trial magistrates of
the People's Court of Harford County in office on the effective date
of this Act, but the provisions of this Act shall take effect with the
next term of office.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.
Approved April 10, 1968.
(Senate Bill 627)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 185 (a)
of the Code of Public Local Laws of St. Mary's County (1965
Edition, being Article 19 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland), title "St. Mary's County," subtitle "Sheriff," provid-
ing that in St. Mary's County there may be such minimum
number of Deputy Sheriffs as determined by the County Com-
missioners from time to time.