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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1115   View pdf image
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                      1115

(c) Temporary licenses may be issued by the Secretary in accord-
ance with such rules or regulations as the Board may prescribe, to
any applicant for a license who files an application in proper form
and pays the annual license fee therefor. A temporary license shall
automatically expire at the time the Board either refuses to issue or
grants the license, and shall be subject to termination by the Secre-
tary at any time prior to action by the Board.


(a)  The Board shall revoke or suspend the license of any well
driller who is found upon hearing by the Board to be guilty of

(1)  Fraud or deceit in obtaining license;

(2)  Any gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the
business of well drilling. The Board may suspend or revoke the li-
cense of a well driller upon its finding that there has been a violation
of the provisions of this subtitle or of any of the rules and regulations
promulgated under this subtitle by the Board; or of any other rules
or regulations of another agency which is adopted by the Board as
applicable to the business of well drilling.

(b)  Any person may prefer charges against any licensee of fraud,
deceit, gross negligence, incompetency, misconduct or violation of
law or regulation. Such charges shall be in writing and shall be filed
with the Secretary of the Board.

All charges shall be heard by the Board within three months after
the date on which they shall have been preferred, and the Board shall
have the power and the authority to subpoena witnesses, to take the
testimony of witnesses under oath, to require the production by
witnesses of books, papers, public records and other documentary
evidence, and to examine them as it may require in relation to the
charges before the Board.

A time and place for said hearing shall be fixed by the Board, and
a copy of the charges, together with a notice of the time and place
of hearing, shall be personally served or mailed to the last known
address of such licensee at least thirty days before the date fixed for
the hearing. At any hearing the accused licensee shall have the right
to appear in person and by counsel to cross-examine witnesses and to
produce evidence and witnesses in his own defense.

(c)   The Board may re-issue a license to any person whose license
has been suspended or revoked, providing five or more members vote
in favor of such re-issuance.

(d)  Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the Board is entitled
to judicial review thereof as provided by the Administrative Pro-
cedure Act, Section 255, of Article 41 of this Code.


The Board may enter into agreements for reciprocity with the
licensing agencies of other states and issue without fee or examina-
tion, if such reciprocal arrangements can be made, issue a license
as a well driller qualified to practice in such other jurisdictions. When
arrangements for reciprocity cannot be made, the nonresident well
driller shall be required to meet all the requirements of the subtitle
in obtaining a license. If another state or subdivision thereof requires


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1115   View pdf image
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