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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1102   View pdf image
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1102                             LAWS OF MARYLAND                         CH. 578

questionnaires, both accepted and rejected, shall become part of the
Master List. If any person is rejected on the basis of the question-
naire or personal interview, the same shall be noted for future

(v) The Commissioner shall, after conducting interviews, review-
ing the questionnaires, and determining disqualification as provided
herein, select, on an annual basis, from the names of qualified jurors
on the Master List, a Service File which shall contain the names of
those persons who have been determined to be acceptable as pros-

pective jurors. Each name on the Service File shall be printed on

a separate index card, which shall also contain the actual record

of terms served on either petit or grand jury, and the card shall be

completed a term of jury service. The Service File, by the month of

availability, consolidates alphabetically the names of persons who
have previously served with the
new names processed in the manner
provided for by this Act.

(e) (D) Selection of Panel

(i) In accordance with Section 9 of the Act, AND 10C OF
ARTICLE 51, and only so far as it is not inconsistent herewith, the
jury commissioner shall, not less than fifteen
THIRTY days before
the commencement of each term of the court at which jurors are
required to attend, in the presence of such practicing members of
the bar of said court as he shall think proper to attend, select, in
accordance with such rules and regulations as determined by the
court, not less than two hundred (200)
nor more than one thousand
names from the Service File, without
WITH special refer-
ence to the intelligence, sobriety and integrity of such person and
without the least reference to their political opinions, race, sex,
creed or religion, this list to be known as an annual listing.

(ii) From the Annual Listing, the THE foreman of the grand jury
shall be selected.
BY THE COURT. The remaining names on the
Annual List shall be preserved by the commissioner, and shall be
divided into sets as provided for under Section 10 (c) of this Article.
Upon completion of the annual drawing of sets of jurors as provided
for in Section 10 (c), said list shall be preserved for use in compiling
such supplemental lists as may be determined by the court. At the
completion of said term, the Annual List shall be returned to the
Service File in the following manner: all names of persons complet-
ing jury service shall be advanced for a period of at least
two FIVE
years; all names of persons not selected to serve, shall be replaced
so as to be available for the next following Annual List, and as
closely as possible by month of preference.

(d) Assistance of public officers

All public officers of said county, embraced within this Act, and

of every city, town or village in such county, shall, upon request, at

any and all times, render to the commissioner of jurors all the

assistance in their power to enable him to procure the names of

persons qualified to serve as jurors, and to perform any and all

shall report to the commissioner of jurors upon the criminal records
of any person or persons named by such commissioner.


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1102   View pdf image
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