intended to be made by the terms of the said Chapter 142; and
Whereas, in its per curiam Order dated June 14, 1967, the
Court of Appeals of Maryland further held that "the General As-
sembly of Maryland, at a Special Session, can validly and effectively
make appropriations from as much of the revenues to accrue to
the State for the ensuing fiscal year by virtue of the said Chapter
142, as have not already been appropriated by Chapter 199 of the
Laws of 1967 (the Budget Bill) in order to permit the effectuation
of the several works, objects and purposes of said Chapter 142 as
therein set forth and specified ..."; and
Whereas, the several counties of this State and the City of
Baltimore have drawn their budgets and levied taxes for their local
needs and committed themselves to the expenditure of the monies
expected to be paid out by the Treasurer in accordance with the
terms of said Chapter 142 of the Laws of 1967, which monies cannot
now be paid in view of the injunction laid against the Comptroller
and the Treasurer by the said Order of June 14, 1967 of the Court
of Appeals of Maryland, and as a result the political subdivisions of
this State face budgetary crises in areas of the highest importance
to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the State, of the
counties and the municipalities, particularly in the areas of the
control of crime and the maintenance of fully accredited school sys-
tems, the retention of teachers and the provision of facilities for
school children, and the general support of local government; and
Whereas, the General Assembly finds as a fact that an acute
emergency exists;
Now, Therefore, under the provisions of the Maryland Con-
stitution, including Article III, Section 52(14) thereof and in accord-
ance with the terms of the Order of the Court of Appeals of Mary-
land, recited above,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subject to the Public General Laws of Maryland relating to
budget procedure to the extent applicable the several amounts here-
inafter specified, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to ac-
complish the purposes designated, are hereby appropriated and
authorized to be disbursed out of the General Funds of the State
from as much of the revenues to accrue to the State for the ensuing
fiscal year by virtue of the said Chapter 14-2, as have not already
been appropriated by Chapter 199 of the Laws of 1967 (the Budget
Bill) for the several purposes specified herein and in Chapter 1U2
of the Laws of 1967, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1967 and
ending June 30,1968, as hereinafter indicated.
1. ( To the counties of the State of
Maryland and to Baltimore City for the
Police Protection Fund to be disbursed in
accordance with the terms of Section 1 of
Chapter 142 of the Laws of 1967 (Article
15A of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Sections 35 to 38, inclusive, therein enacted),
and subject to the redistributions therein
specified.............................................................. $15,846,172.00