1966 Supplement), title "General Assembly," subtitle "Department of
Legislative Reference and Fiscal Research Bureau," to repeal the require-
ments that the Fiscal Research Bureau make certain studies at the request
of the Governor, assist commissions and committees appointed by the
Governor, and report certain studies to the Governor.
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
House Bill No. 4—By Delegate Nice (By Request):
AN ACT to repeal Section 288 (a) of Article 81 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume), as amended by Chapter 142
of the Acts of 1967, title "Revenue and Taxes," subtitle "Income Tax,"
and to enact new Section 288 (a) to stand in the place of the section so
repealed; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 325 and 373
of the said Article of the Code (1966 Supplement), subtitles, respectively,
"Retail Sales Tax Act" and "Maryland Use Tax," subheading, respectively,
"In General," to provide for levying of taxes on income of residents of
the State of Maryland, and certain nonresidents, and to provide for
changes in the rates of Retail Sales Taxes and Maryland Use Taxes.
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
House Bill No. 5—By the Anne Arundel County Delegation:
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 5(E) (6)
of Chapter 759 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1967; and to
repeal Section 5(B) (8) thereof; to change the amount of monies allocated
in the General Construction Loan of 1967 for the Severn Run State Park,
to change the number of acres of land authorized to be acquired with this
money and to repeal the allocation of funds for acquisition of land for
the South River State Park.
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
House Bill No. 6—By Delegate Aiken:
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 615 of the Acts of 1961; and to repeal
Sections 19(f-l) and (n), 20(h-l) and (n), 69(d-l), 159(c), 161 (a-1),
164 (a-1), 165 (b-1), 168, and 180A of Article 2B of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1966 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Beverages," subtitles,
respectively, "Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses"; "Revocation and Suspen-
sion of Licenses," "County Liquor Control Boards and Dispensaries," and
"Consumers"; and to enact new Sections 19(f-l) and (n), 20(h-l) and
(n); 69(d-l), 159(c), 161(a-l), 164(a-l), 165(b-l), 168 and 180A in
lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the sections so repealed; to repeal
and re-enact with amendments Sections 125 and 137 of the said
Article of the Code (1957 Edition), subtitles, respectively, "Restrictions
Upon Licensees," and "Taxation" to revise the alcoholic beverage laws of
Garrett County, to authorize the issuance of Class B and C beer, wine
and liquor licenses for hotels, restaurants and clubs in the County, estab-
lishing a liquor control board for the County, Relating to County dis-
pensaries therein, regulating the possession, purchase or procuring of alco-
holic beverages by minors, and relating generally to the sale and procuring
of alcoholic beverages in the County.
Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.