Scarff, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Bullock, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Walters, Adams (F. B.),
Antonelli, Cassady, Holub, McCarty, Sarbanes, Burns, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher,
McQuade, Mooney, O'Brien, Abramson, Adams (V. Q.), Brailey, Dixon, Douglass,
Epstein, Lee, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Spector, Waxter, Avara, Baumann, Free-
berger, Murphy, Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Donaldson, Grumbacher, Wright,
Clarke, Cronin, Lady, Scott, Whalen, Whitney, Becker, Bell, Blondes, Cook (E. P.),
Crawford, Docter, Zander, Aitken, Wiser, Beall, Cook (N. S.), Evans, Reed, Matthews
(R. C), Yingling, Burgess, Warfield, Long, White, Aiken. Total—131
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained.
May 4, 1967.
Honorable Marvin Mandel
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Section 17 of Article II of the Maryland
Constitution, I have vetoed today House Bill 991 and am returning
it to you.
This bill would authorize the County Commissioners of Garrett
County to appoint a committee to study the establishment of a
merit system for county employees. I am informed by the Attorney
General that the bill is lacking in form and legal sufficiency. For the
reasons given in the attached copy of his opinion, which is to be con-
sidered a part of this message, I am compelled to veto the measure.
Sincerely yours,
(s) Spiro T. Agnew,
Read and adopted.
Letter from State Law Department on H. B. 991
April 21, 1967.
The Honorable Spiro T. Agnew
Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Governor Agnew:
At your request, I have examined House Bill 991, in order to
determine whether the Bill meets minimum constitutional require-
ments as to form and legal sufficiency.
The title to the Bill indicates that the Bill authorizes and directs
the County Commissioners of Garrett County to appoint a committee
to study the establishment and scope of a proposed merit system for
County employees. The body of the Bill creates in Garrett County
such a Commission, composed of five persons, two of whom shall be
appointed by the County Commissioners, two by the Garrett County
Delegation in the House of Delegates and the State Senator represent-
ing Garrett County, and one by the Judge of the Circuit Court for
Garrett County.