SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 967
indirectly paid, by or for any patient, undertaking to treat, heal,
cure, drive away or remove any physical or mental ailment; or sup-
posed ailment of another, by mental or other process, exercised or
invoked on the part of either the medical practitioner or the patient
or both. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to
gratuitous services, nor to any resident or assistant resident physi-
cians or interns or students at hospitals in the discharge of their
hospital or dispensary duties, or in the office of physicians, or to
any physician or surgeon from another state, territory or district
in which he resides when in actual consultation with a legal practi-
tioner of this State; or to commissioned surgeons of the United
States Army, or Navy, or United States Public Service hospitals
and Veterans Administration hospitals, or to opticians or masseurs,
or other manual manipulators who use no other means, or to the
following which are provided for in other sections of this article
hereinafter indicated: Midwives, Sections 82-94; optometrists, Sec-
tions 368-386; osteopaths, Sections 467-480; chiropodists, Sections
481-494; chiropractors, Sections 499-514; physical therapists, Sec-
tions 604-614; nor shall the provisions of this subtitle apply to
physicians or surgeons residing on the borders of a neighboring
state, and duly authorized under the laws thereof to practice medi-
cine or surgery therein, whose practice extends into the limits of
this State; provided, that such practitioners shall not open an office
or appoint places to meet their patients or receive calls within the
limits of this State without complying with the provisions of this
subtitle; provided, that the same privileges be accorded to licensed
physicians of this State; provided, further, that nothing in this sub-
title shall annul any of the provisions of Article 32, title "Dentistry,"
nor shall apply to any registered graduate of dental surgery now
practicing in the said State of Maryland, with the sign title: Dentist,
surgeon dentist, dental surgeon or stomatologist; provided that noth-
ing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the administra-
tion of anesthetics for medical purposes by a registered graduate of
dental surgery who has regularly practiced or administered the same
for medical purposes in hospitals of this State for a period of fifteen
years prior to June 1, 1962; and provided, further, that nothing
herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent or in any way
make unlawful or interfere with the sale by manufacturing, whole-
sale or retail druggists, or any person dealing in drugs or medicines
of any proprietary or patent medicine or any official or standard
drug or medicine; provided, further, that nothing herein contained
shall be construed to repeal or in any manner affect the provisions
of Section 140 of this article, relating to certain Christian Science
All advertising by all persons practicing medicine and surgery in
this State is prohibited except the following:
(a) A physician or surgeon may use a personal professional card
of not more than 3½" X 2", upon which may be printed only his
name, title, address, specialty, telephone number and office hours.
(b) Removal notices may be mailed by any physician or surgeon
notifying any bona fide patient of said physician or surgeon that he
is removing his offices from his present address to the address set
forth on said notice. Said notice shall be not more than 5" X 7" and