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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 964   View pdf image (33K)
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964                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                       [CH. 398

at the annual meeting of said Faculty; and each appointee is imme-
diately after his selection to be
furnished with a certificate thereof

by the Faculty. One member holding the degree of doctor of osteo-

pathy shall be appointed by the Governor from a full list of the

members in good standing of the Maryland Osteopathic Association

which list shall be transmitted to the Governor, under the seal and

signed by the president and secretary of the said association; and
each appointee is immediately after his selection to be furnished
with a certificate thereof by the Governor.
Each such member of said

Board shall serve for four years, or until his successor is selected

and qualified. Two examiners shall be selected [by the Faculty]

cessors are selected and qualified, the outgoing members to be eligible
for re election. The terms of office of all members so selected shall

begin on the first day in June, in the year in which they shall be

respectively selected; the Board is to have the exclusive right to
examine, pass upon the qualifications of and license applicants for
the practice of medicine or surgery in State of Maryland. The exam-
iners shall be physicians actually engaged in the practice of medicine
and surgery in the State of Maryland, and of recognized ability and

integrity. In case of a vacancy occurring on the Board among the

members holding the degree of doctor of medicine, it shall fill the

same until the next annual meeting of the Medical and Chirurgical
Faculty, when said Faculty shall select an examiner to serve for the

remainder of such unexpired term. In case of a vacancy occurring

in the position of the member of the Board holding the degree of

doctor of osteopathy, the Board shall request the Governor to fill

the same for the remainder of such unexpired term in the same

manner as original appointments are made. The Governor shall,
after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing, have the power
to remove any member of the Board for any of the following causes:
Misconduct in office, incompetency, immorality, willful neglect of

duty or any cause which is a ground for revocation of a license to

practice medicine and surgery in this State.


Before any person shall commence the practice of medicine or
surgery in any of their branches, he shall make a written applica-
tion for license to the Board of Medical Examiners, accompanied by
satisfactory proof that the applicant is more than twenty-one years
of age, is of good moral character and has received a diploma con-
ferring the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy from
some legally incorporated medical or osteopathic college in the
United States or some foreign country; said diploma, if from a
college in the United States, must have been conferred by a legally
incorporated college having entrance requirements, standard of edu-
cation, and requirements for graduation as defined by the Association
of American Medical Colleges or the Council on Medical Education
and Hospitals of the American Medical Association, or the American
Osteopathic Association
and if from a college in a foreign country,
the entrance requirements, standard of education, and requirements
for graduation shall be equivalent to the standard denned by the
Association of American Medical Colleges or the Council on Medical
Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. PRO-


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 964   View pdf image (33K)
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