SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 941
forty-eight hours from the entry of the decision of the lower court
complained of, and all such appeals shall be heard and decided on
the original papers, including a typewritten transcript of the testi-
mony taken in such cases, by the Court of Appeals, as soon as
possible after the same have been transmitted to said Court. Said
original papers, including the testimony shall be transmitted to the
Court of Appeals within five (5) days from the taking of the appeal.
27-11. General powers of Secretary of State and boards.
The Secretary of State and the boards are hereby severally au-
thorized and empowered to do any and all acts, the carrying out of
which is committed to them by any act of Congress providing for
voting by persons who are absentee voters, and to accept and expend
any funds made available to him or them or to the State of Maryland
by Congress for the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith, including their services. The
Secretary of State and the several boards are hereby severally au-
thorized and empowered to use any and all facilities that may be
furnished by the United States or any department, commission or
agency thereof, pursuant to any act of Congress or otherwise, for
the purpose of transmitting to and from absentee voters applica-
tions for absentee ballots, envelopes, instructions and all other
printed matter that may be permitted to be transmitted by any act
of Congress and generally to cooperate in every way with military
and civil officers of the United States and with all such departments,
commissions and agencies thereof in order to enable such persons to
27-12. Authority to change ballots and materials to conform to
congressional act.
If any act or acts of Congress, now or hereafter in effect, providing
for voting by mail of all or any of the persons who are absentee
residents or voters, as defined in this subtitle, requires the execution
of an oath on the ballot envelope, or otherwise, or requires other
printing on any of said ballot material, which is different from that
required on the ballot envelope or other ballot material as provided
in this subtitle, such ballot if completed in accordance with such
act of Congress, whether or not completed in accordance with this
subtitle, shall be accepted as having complied with the requirements
of this subtitle, provided any such change does not conflict with
any provision of the Constitution of this State and shall not pro-
vide or prescribe any oath which would not furnish the information
needed to enable any board to register the affiant as a qualified
voter under the Constitution of this State.
27-13. Compensation of supervisors.
Whenever the provisions of this subtitle are enforced at any elec-
tion the board in Baltimore City shall be entitled to receive, in
addition to the compensation now paid to them, the further sum
of $200 for each member for every such election, and the board
members in the several counties, except Calvert County, and their
respective clerks, in addition to the compensation now allowed them,
shall each be entitled to receive such additional sum for services
actually rendered in the performance of their duties under this
subtitle as shall be allowed them by the county commissioners or