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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 853   View pdf image (33K)
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                        853

candidates for offices to be filled by the voters of the entire State or of
any division of a greater extent than one county. Certificates of can-
didacy for the nomination of members of the State Senate shall also
be filed with the Secretary of State.

(b)    Each candidate for nomination for judge of the circuit court
date for nomination for Judge of the Court of Appeals of Maryland
shall file his certificate under oath with the Secretary of State. Each
candidate for nomination for Judge of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City shall file his certificate under oath with the board in
Baltimore City.

(c)    For all other nominations to public office certificates of can-
didacy shall be filed under oath with the board of the respective
counties or of Baltimore City, wherein the offices are to be filled by
the voters.

(d)    All persons shall file their certificates of candidacy in person
within the time specified by Section 4-4 of this Article and at the
place specified in this section. In the event that any person wishing
to file a certificate of candidacy is unable to do so in person by reason
of illness, military service or temporary absence from the State of
Maryland, such person shall file an affidavit setting out fully such
facts as prevent him from personally filing his certificate of candidacy
and such affidavit must be filed with the certificate of candidacy.

4-4. 4A-3. When filed.

(a)    Certificates of candidacy shall be received and filed in the
office of the appropriate board not later than nine p.m. on the Monday
which is ten weeks or seventy days before the day on which the
primary election should be held under the primary election law. If
this date should occur on a legal holiday, the certificates must be re-
ceived and filed not later than nine p.m. on the next regular business
day which is not a legal holiday.

(b)    In Baltimore City municipal elections, certificates of candi-
dacy shall be received and filed in the office of the board not later than
nine p.m. on the Wednesday which is ten weeks or seventy days be-
fore the day on which the primary election shall be held under the
primary election law. If this date should occur on a holiday, the cer-
tificates must be received and filed not later than nine p.m. on the next
regular business day which is not a legal holiday.

4-5. 4A-4. Vacancy in nomination: Primary Election.

(a)    In case of any vacancy which may exist in respect to a can-
didate for any officer elected by the voters of more than one county or
Baltimore City except State Senator, by reason of there being no can-
didate of a political party to file for the same in any such primary
election, such vacancy shall be filled by the State Central Committee,
or governing body, of the political party of the State.

(b)    In a State Senatorial district comprising more than one
county, any vacancy occurring because there is no candidate of a
political party to file for the office shall be filled by mutual agreement
of each of the State Central Committees of such party of those coun-


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 853   View pdf image (33K)
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