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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 847   View pdf image (33K)
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                          6*47

I hereby authorize the cancellation of my previous registration

in the State of Maryland, in the county of..............................................>

district................, precinct ................, or Baltimore City, ward ........,

precinct ................. I was registered therein under the name of

............................................ (name given here must be the one under

which voter was formerly registered), my race is................, my sex

is ................, my date of birth is ................. my last registration

address therein being........................................, and my previous party

affiliation being........................ My present address is..........................,

county or city........................................, district or ward ....................,


(Signature of Voter)

Subscribed and sworn to before me of................,


(Notary Public or other person
authorized to administer oaths)"

(2) The clerk of the board shall mail all such authorizations to
the board of the proper county or Baltimore City. Upon receipt
of this authorization from the forwarding county or Baltimore City,
the clerk of the board upon a comparison of the voter's signature
with his signature as it appears on the registration records shall
remove the voter's registration from the records and retain the
cancellation authorization in the records of said board. The board
shall notify the voter at both the present and last registration ad
dress as shown on the cancellation authorization that his previous
registration has been cancelled.

3-18. Correction of registration lists: reports from public agencies.

(a) Reports to the board shall be made by the several officials in
Baltimore City at least once each month, and in the several counties,
by the last days of January and July in each year, as follows:

(1)     The commissioner of health of Baltimore City and the health
officers of the several counties shall file with the board in their re-
spective city or counties, as the case may be, a list of the names and
residence addresses (if known) of all persons over twenty-one years
of age reported deceased within the city or county since the date of
the last such report.

(2)     The Clerk of the Criminal Court of Baltimore City and the
clerk of the circuit court for each county shall file with said respective
boards the names and addresses, if known, of all persons convicted in
said respective courts of infamous crimes since the date of the last
such report. The boards shall make similar arrangements with the
Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Mary-
land to receive lists of those convicted of crimes in that court.


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 847   View pdf image (33K)
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