SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 593
monies received from the imposition of fines, forfeitures, penalties,
fees and costs shall be promptly deposited in a bank account main-
tained in the name of the Chief Clerk in his official capacity where
they shall be retained until payment is made thereof to the officials
to whom they are due.
In addition to the Chief Clerk, there shall be one (1) assistant
clerk of the People's Court who shall receive an annual salary of not
less than $3,000.00 nor more than $4,500.00, and such additional
employees as the Chief Judge may from time to time deem neces-
sary, who shall receive such salaries as are provided in the annual
county budget. The Chief Clerk with the approval of the Judge,
shall make the appointments to all such positions and shall super-
vise and direct the work thereof.
The county commissioners of Cecil County are authorized and
directed to annually appropriate an amount sufficient for the proper
and effective administration and housing of the People's Court.
(a) The Judge of the People's Court of Cecil County shall re-
ceive a salary of $16,500.00 per year, which salary may be increased
by the County Commissioners.
(b) The Substitute Judge of the People's Court of Cecil County
shall receive as compensation $2,000 per year and if he sits more
than twenty (20) full working days he shall receive a per diem
salary of sixty dollars ($60). The salary of the Judge causing a
substitution shall not be diminished on account of compensation
paid to such substitution.
Upon reaching the age of seventy (70) any judge of the People's
Court shall be retired. Any judge shall be paid, after the termina-
tion of active service, if he is then at least sixty years of age, or
when he becomes sixty years of age, a pension or salary calculated
at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per annum for each
year, or any part thereof, of active service, up to a maximum pension
or salary for such service payable hereunder to any one person of
seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500) per annum provided,
however, that no person serving less than twelve months as a judge
under this subsection shall receive a pension or salary, unless such
person involuntarily be caused to resign or to retire therefrom be-
cause of sickness or physical incapacity or disability before the
termination of the prescribed minimum period of service. Any
former judge who accepts any salaried public office or position is
not qualified for such pension but he may relinquish such office
or position and notify the County Commissioners and County Treas-
urer of Cecil County of such fact, and then from and after the
date of such notification the judge shall be entitled to all the bene-
fits as provided by this section. The County Commissioners of Cecil