purchase of the bonds authorized to be issued hereunder, or any
part thereof; the form, terms and conditions of such bids; the time,
place and manner of awarding bonds so bid for, including the right
whenever any of the bonds authorized by this Act are offered for
sale and sold at the same time as other bonds of said corporation, to
establish the conditions for bids and awards and to award all of
said bonds on an all or none basis; and the time, place, terms and
manner of settlement for the bonds so bid for.
The ordinance to be submitted to the legal voters of Baltimore
City, or the resolution of the Commissioners of Finance authorizing
the issuance of said bonds, or any portion thereof, as the case may
be, shall set forth in detail the dates when any of the bonds are to
mature and the amount to mature upon such dates.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the actual cash proceeds
derived from the sale of the bonds authorized to be issued under
the provisions of this Act, not exceeding the par value thereof, shall
be used exclusively for the following purposes, to wit:
(a) So much thereof as may be necessary, in addition to the pre-
miums realized from the sale, if any, for the cost of issuance, includ-
ing the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorney's fees,
and all other incidental expenses connected therewith; and
(b) The remainder of such proceeds shall be used for extending,
enlarging, developing and improving the Friendship International
Airport, including, but not limited to, the acquisition, by purchase,
condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any
rights therein, located within or outside the boundary lines of Balti-
more City; the construction of new runways and extensions thereto
and extensions to existing runways; the construction or erection of
new buildings or structures; additions and improvements to the ex-
isting service and terminal buildings and other buildings or struc-
tures; equipment for any and all new facilities authorized to be
constructed or erected by the provisions hereof; the construction
and erection of roads and parking facilities; the construction or
paying of taxiways and ramps or aprons, and doing any and all
things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or per-
taining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby de-
clared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public health and safety, and having been passed
by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of the members
elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 14, 1967.
(Senate Bill 439)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 14A-3
(a), (c) and (d), 14A-5 (a), 14A-10 (a) and 14A-15 (a), of the