SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 27
major political parties in the State. One of the registrars may be the
person who is the clerk to the Board. The registrars each receive
compensation [of ten dollars ($10.00)] as set by the Board of Elec-
tion Supervisors for each day on which voters are registered.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved March 24, 1967.
(Senate Bill 334)
AN ACT to create a Frederick County Government Study Commis-
sion to study and make recommendations regarding the form of
government of Frederick County to provide for the number and
appointment and date of appointment of the members of said
Commission; the duties of said Commission; the time when said
Commission must report; and the publication of said report; the
funding of necessary expenses in connection with said Commission;
the automatic expiration of this Act.
Whereas, Frederick County has experienced significant changes
in recent years; and
Whereas, Such changes have cast doubt upon the adequacy of the
existing structure or form of County government to meet present
and future needs; and
Whereas, Many proposals have been advanced for a change in the
present structure and form of government; and
Whereas, It is realized that basic changes in government should
not be entered into lightly but should be made for generations;
Whereas, It is deemed desirable to have a study made first to deter-
mine what changes, if any, in the structure or form of the County
government should be made to best satisfy these needs and to pre-
pare, if possible, specific recommendations as to the actual content of
any modification of the present structure or of the new instrument
of government.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(a) The Frederick County Government Study Commission is here-
by created for the purpose of studying and making recommendations
concerning the structure or form of the government of Frederick
County. The Commission shall be composed of fifteen (15) persons
who shall serve without compensation. Commission members shall be
selected and appointed by a majority vote of the joint action of the
Board of County Commissioners and the State Senators and members
of the House of Delegates elected from the county. One of the persons
so selected shall be designated by the appointing authorities as