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any reason during a term shall be filled by appointment for the
remainder of the unexpired term.
(c) The members of each county welfare board, other than the
county commissioners serving thereon, shall be appointed by the
board of county commissioners from a list submitted by the State
Department of Public Welfare as hereinafter provided, after approval
by the State Board. In case of a vacancy occurring in the membership
of any county board by reason of expiration of the term or other-
wise, the board of county commissioners of the county concerned
shall forthwith proceed to appoint the requisite member or members
from a list to be submitted by the State Department of Public Wel-
fare, after consultation with the board of county commissioners of
the county concerned, which list shall contain twice the number of
persons to be selected. A vacancy created fey IN the ex officio mem-
bership of the county board shall be filled by the county commis-
sioners alone.
(d) Any member of any county board who shall fail to attend
meetings of such board for a period of six consecutive months may
be considered to have resigned, and the chairman of such board shall
forward or cause to be forwarded to the State Department of Public
Welfare the name of such member, with the statement of such
nonattendance, and the State Board may thereupon, in its discretion,
declare that a vacancy exists and proceed to have it filled by appoint-
ment for the remainder of the unexpired term in the manner pro-
vided in the aforegoing subsection (c).
(e) If any member of any county board, except the county com-
missioner serving thereon, becomes a candidate for political office,
or accepts public office by election or appointment during his tenure
of office on such county board, such candidacy for or acceptance of
public office shall be considered as his resignation as a member of
such county board, and the chairman of such board shall forward
or cause to be forwarded to the State Department of Public Welfare
the name of such member, with the statement of such candidacy
for or acceptance of public office. The State Board shall thereupon
declare that a vacancy exists on such county board and proceed to
have it filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired
term in the manner provided in the aforegoing subsection (c).
(f) Each county board shall select its own chairman annually.
The county boards shall in their respective counties appoint the
personnel necessary for the proper administration of this article,
which power of appointment shall be subject to the conditions pre-
scribed in Section 11 of this article.]
(a) The local welfare department in each county shall have a
board, appointed as hereinafter provided and hereinafter referred
to as the local board. The local board shall be composed of eight
members until June 80, 1968 and of nine members thereafter. The
members shall receive no salary for their services, but their reason-
able expenses incurred in attending meetings or performing other
official duties shall be paid. Each local board shall select its own
chairman on July 1st of each year.
(b) One member of each local board shall be a member of the
local governing authority of the county involved and shall serve as
an ex officio member of the local board. On July 1st of each year the