notify the operator by registered mail setting forth his reasons
therefor. The operator may then take such steps as are required to
remove the objections.
663. Bond Required for Each Operation.
(a) After receiving notification from the Director that an ap-
plication for a permit has been approved, but prior to commencing
open pit mining, the operator shall file with the Bureau a bond for
each operation, on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the
Bureau, payable to the State of Maryland and conditioned that the
operator will faithfully perform all of the requirements of this sub-
heading. The bond shall be for two hundred dollars ($200.00) per
acre based upon the number of acres of land affected, provided that
no bond may be filed for less than sixteen hundred dollars ($1,-
600.00). Liability under the bond shall be for the duration of open
pit mining at each operation, and for a period of five years there-
after, unless released prior thereto or held on that portion reserved
for haulageways, deep mining, and auger mining locations as here-
inafter provided. The bond shall be executed by the operator and
a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of Maryland.
The operator may elect to deposit cash or negotiable bonds of the
United States Government with the Bureau in lieu of a corporate
surety. The cash deposit or market value of such securities shall be
equal at least to the required sum of the bond. The Director, upon
receipt of any such deposit of cash or securities shall immedi-
ately place it with the State Treasurer, whose duty it is to
receive and hold the bond in the name of the State, in trust, for
the purposes for which the deposit is made. The State Treasurer at
all times is responsible for the custody and safekeeping of such
deposits. The operator making the deposit is from time to time to
FROM TIME TO TIME MAY demand and receive from the State
Treasurer of the whole or any portion of any securities so deposited,
upon depositing with him THE STATE TREASURER, in lieu thereof,
other negotiable securities of the classes herein specified having a
market value at least equal to the sum of the bond.
(b) The operator, prior to commencing operations on any ad-
ditional land exceeding the acreage covered by the original bond
made in the application for a permit, shall, post an additional bond.
Upon receipt of the additional bond and such additional material
as would have been required for the additional land had it been
included in the original application to secure the permit, the Di-
rector of Bureau of Mines shall promptly issue an amended permit
covering the additional acreage covered by the additional bond.
(c) No operator may strip any area in this State by open pit
mining who has previously forfeited any bond posted pursuant to
stripping activities or who has failed to pay royalties and wages
due during such activities.
664. Monthly Report Required, Inspections and Enforcement.
(a) On or before the 25th day of each month, every operator
of a coal stripping operation shall furnish the Bureau of Mines, on
a form provided by the Bureau, an accurate monthly report of coal
produced, number of employees and days worked, and also a report
of all fatal and nonfatal accidents for the previous month. An