SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 205
the Director of Bureau of Mines showing the location of the tract
or tracts of land to be affected by the operation contemplated. Aerial
photographs shall be acceptable if the photographs show the de-
tails to the satisfaction of the Director of Bureau of Mines. Such
map, plan, or photograph shall be prepared and certified by a com-
petent Engineer, Surveyor, or other person, approved by the Director,
and shall show the boundaries of the area of land which will be
affected, the drainage area above and below the area, the location
and names of all streams, roads, railroads, and utility lines on or
immediately adjacent to the area, the name of the owner of the
area, and the nearest municipality. The map, plan or photograph
also shall show the results of test borings which the operator may
have conducted at the site of the proposed operation, and the plan
shall include data such as the nature and depth of the overburden,
the thickness of the coal seam, a complete analysis of the coal seam,
the crop line of the coal seam, and the location of the test boring
holes. The information pertaining to test borings, the depth of the
overburden, the thickness of the coal seam, the analysis of the
coal seam, the crop line of the coal seam, and the location of the
test boring holes shall be deemed confidential information and shall
not be deemed a matter of public record.
(c) Special Reclamation Fees. In addition to fees required in this
Bill SUBHEADING, every applicant for a permit to surface mine coal,
before permit is issued, shall pay to the Director a special reclamation
fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each acre of land affected (matched
by the State), which fee is to be deposited in the Bituminous Coal
Open Pit Mining Reclamation Fund. The payment shall be based
on the same number of acres as that for which bond is required.
The Governor each year shall place an item in the budget to provide
for the matching moneys required by this paragraph. These match-
ing funds may be provided by the State in the current budget at
the time the permit is issued or in the next succeeding State budget.
(d) The operator is responsible for the prevention of avoidable
stream pollution in excess of standards established by the Department
of Water Resources.
(e) Unless leases in existence on June 1, 1967 do not so provide
or permit, the application for a permit shall include, upon a form
prepared and furnished- by the Bureau, the written consent of the
landowner for entry upon any hind to be affected by the operation,
by the operator or by the State or any of its authorized agents,
within a period of five years after the operation is completed or
abandoned, for the purpose of backfilling, planting, reclamation, and
(f) The Bureau of Mines shall not issue any additional permits
to any operator who has failed, or continues to fail, to comply with
the provisions of this subheading under any permit previously issued.
(g) If the requirements of this subheading are met and no claims
are outstanding under this subheading against the operator, or in
the case of any corporation against any officer or director, a permit
shall be issued. Additional permits are subject to all requirements
of the original permit.
(h) If the Director does not approve the application for a per-
mit, or any amended application for a permit, he shall promptly