SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 19
(i) The Director of the State Department of Planning, the Chair-
man-Director of the State Roads Commission, the Chairman of the
Metropolitan Transit Authority, OR AN ALTERNATE CHOSEN
BY THE AUTHORITY, and the Chairman of the Maryland Port
ITY, shall serve ex officio as members of the Council.
(j) Permanent alternate members of the Council, duly appointed
in accordance with the provisions of this Article, shall have full
voting rights and powers, the same as regular members of the
Council, when sitting as members of the Council or any committee
or subcommittee thereof.
(k) Each appointing or designating authority, with the exception
of the Governor, shall within 5 days from the date of an appointment,
advise the Governor thereof.
The Regional Planning Council has these additional functions and
(1) To conduct research required for the planning of the regional
area, including the collection of data with respect to population
trends, the social, economic, physical, and governmental factors af-
fecting the development of the area; and The Council shall make
its findings available to persons interested.
(2) To advise units of government concerning the relationship
of any plans, projects, proposals, and policies adopted or under
consideration by any such unit of government to other plans, proj-
ects, proposals, and policies applicable to the regional planning area.
(3) To prepare and make available to units of government recom-
mended standards for building and subdivision-control ordinances,
zoning, and other planning regulations, and for administrative prac-
tices and procedures under such ordinances or regulations.
(4) To prepare and recommend methods for establishing capital
improvement programs and budgeting therefor, and schedules of
priority of public projects and operations for units of government.
(5) To prepare, publish, and distribute an annual report and
such other reports and plans as relate to the activities of The Coun-
cil as authorized by this article to the Governor and General Assem-
bly of Maryland and to each member of The Council.
(6) To undertake studies, collect data, develop additional plans
and programs and engage in such other activities as The Council
finds necessary or desirable for the solution of metropolitan or
GOVERNMENT within the Area.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved March 24, 1967.