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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1700   View pdf image (33K)
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1700                            JOINT RESOLUTIONS

Whereas, It is important for the citizens of this State to be aware
of the presence of disabled persons in the community and to keep
safe and functional for the disabled the streets, highways, sidewalks,
walkways, public buildings, public facilities, other public places of
public accommodations, amusement and resort, and other places to
which the public is invited, and to offer assistance to disabled persons
upon appropriate occasions; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a request be
submitted to the Governor to declare October 15 as White Cane
Safety Day; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Governor.
Approved May 4, 1967.

No. 12
(Senate Joint Resolution 18)

Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Committee on Taxation and
Fiscal Matters to consider the possibilities of establishing a more
effective system for the distribution and mailing to members of the
General Assembly of bulletins, periodicals, catalogs, and other
matter of State agencies and departments.

Whereas, Members of the Legislature regularly receive a sizeable
number of bulletins, periodicals, catalogs, and other matter from the
many State departments and agencies, and

Whereas, It is virtually impossible for the members of the General
Assembly to digest and catalog all of this matter sent to them, and

Whereas, Realizing that some of this matter is more important
to a specific member than other matter and that much money, time
and effort is expended in mailing and distributing said bulletins,
periodicals, catalogs, and other matter, and

Whereas, So often additional copies of certain bulletins, periodi-
cals, catalogs, and other matter are needed by members of the Legis-
lature and that generally the only way to obtain additional copies of
such is by contacting the issuing department or agency, and

Whereas, The possibilities of initiating a system whereby each
member of the General Assembly can be periodically sent a list of
the available bulletins, periodicals, catalogs, and other matter ought
to be investigated and from this said list, the member may order the
items in which he is interested, hopefully from a single source of
distribution, and

Whereas, Because of its previous interest in the entire area of
reducing the excessive cost of printed material, as well as the estab-
lishment of standards of format for State department and agency
publications, the Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters review
and report on this problem; now, therefore, be it


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1700   View pdf image (33K)
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