Resolved, That this committee is requested thoroughly to study and
evaluate the various proposals made for changing or improving the
rules, operations, procedures, and functions of the two houses in the
General Assembly of Maryland.
Approved May 4, 1967.
No. 9
(Senate Joint Resolution 9)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the State Roads Commission to
adopt a changed policy with respect to the improvement of second-
ary roads in the State.
Whereas, The policy of the State Roads Commission with regard
to improvement of the secondary road system in the State has been
to replace the old road with a new road on a new location, under which
the Commission receives a considerable amount of federal-aid money,
Whereas, The Federal Government has recently announced a re-
duction in the amount of aid funds available for allocation to the
various states, which could well result in a slowdown in the pace of
reconstruction of the State's secondary roads, and
Whereas, In view of the possibility of reduction of federal-aid
funds, the General Assembly is suggesting to the Roads Commission
that a different policy with respect to secondary roads is needed, and
Whereas, Such a policy would involve improvement of existing
secondary roads by widening of shoulders, black topping and straight-
ening of curves except in such cases where renovation is not feasible
for engineering purposes, and
Whereas, This kind of improvement would take less property, be
less expensive, provide the public with more immediate use of the
improved roadway and require less maintenance, and
Whereas, the improvement of existing secondary roads as sug-
gested above would mean a smaller expense for annual maintenance
of these roads, which would produce another beneficial result, that of
reducing the amount of funds required to be transferred annually
from construction monies into the maintenance fund, freeing addi-
tional sums for construction purposes, and
Whereas, The General Assembly believes there is merit to this
proposal and urges the Roads Commission to give consideration to it,
now therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That we urge the
State Roads Commission to consider change in the policy of improve-
ment of the secondary road system of the State by improving existing
roads instead of constructing new roads to replace existing secondary
roads in the State, and be it further