for by the budget of appropriations, all of whom shall perform such
duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Treasurer.
He may designate one of his clerks or assistants as chief deputy
treasurer, and not exceeding three other clerks or assistants as
deputy treasurers. [Before any person shall act as chief deputy
treasurer or deputy treasurer, such person shall give a bond to the
State of Maryland with security or securities approved by the Gov-
ernor in the penalty of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000),
with condition that he will truly and faithfully discharge, execute
and perform, all and singular, the powers and duties of chief deputy
treasurer or deputy treasurer, as the case may be.] The chief deputy
treasurer, each of the deputy treasurers, or any clerk, assistant or
any other employee of the office of the Treasurer, shall, upon enter-
ing the performance of the duties of said office, be covered by surety
bonds in accordance with the provisions of Sections 46 through 50
of Article 78A of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The chief deputy
treasurer and each deputy treasurer, upon his designation and
qualification, as above provided, shall have the power to disburse
the moneys of the State for the purposes of the State, according to
law, including the power to sign or countersign checks, upon warrants
drawn by the Comptroller or his duly authorized deputy. The chief
deputy treasurer, and each other deputy treasurer, shall take receipts
for all moneys paid from the treasury department; and receipt for
moneys received by him shall be endorsed upon warrants; signed by
the Comptroller, or such deputy as may be authorized to do so by
law, without which warrants so signed no acknowledgment of money
received in the treasury shall be valid. The exercise of the powers
conferred upon the chief deputy treasurer, and each other deputy
treasurer by this section, shall be subject to all of the limitations
imposed by law upon the Treasurer in the performance of such
powers. The chief deputy treasurer and each other deputy treasurer
shall act as such only during the pleasure of the Treasurer, and the
power to act as such chief deputy treasurer or deputy treasurer,
may be terminated at any time by the treasurer for any cause which
he may deem sufficient. In the event of sickness or absence of the
treasurer, the power of the chief deputy treasurer or any other
deputy treasurer to act as such may be terminated by the Board of
Public Works or a majority of its members for any cause which
they may deem sufficient. The termination of the power of the chief
deputy treasurer or any other deputy treasurer to act as such shall
not of itself operate to terminate his employment as clerk, assistant
or other employee. Whenever the powers of any person to act as
chief deputy treasurer or deputy treasurer are terminated, as herein
provided, the Treasurer may designate some other clerk or assistant
to act as such chief deputy treasurer or deputy treasurer, subject to
the limitations and conditions above prescribed.
Article 95
14. Same—Bond.
[It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to require any agent to be
appointed by him to give bond to the State of Maryland with security
or securities to be approved of by the Governor in the penal sum
of two hundred thousand dollars, with condition that the said agent
shall diligently and faithfully discharge and execute all and singular
the duties required to be performed by him under and pursuant to
such arrangement and that he will well and truly disburse, pay
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