SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1533
the "Professional Engineers' Fund."] The secretary of the Board
shall, upon entering the performance of his duties, be covered by a
surety bond in accordance with the provisions of Sections 46 through
50 of Article 78A of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The Board
may employ such clerical, technical, or other assistants as are neces-
sary for the proper performance of its work and may make expen-
ditures of this fund for any purpose which in the opinion of the
Board is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of its
duties, under this article, including the expenses of the Board's
delegates to annual conventions, and membership dues, to the Na-
tional Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners. Under no
circumstances shall the total amount of warrants issued by the
State Comptroller in payment of the expenses and compensation
provided for in this article exceed the amount of examination, regis-
tration and renewal fees collected as herein provided.
Article 78B
3. Oath and bond.
Before entering upon the duties of his office, each member of the
Commission shall take oath that he will well and faithfully execute
all and singular the duties appertaining to his office according to
the laws of the State and the rules and regulations adopted there-
with, [and shall give bond to the State of Maryland, with personal
or corporate security or securities approved by the Governor, in the
penalty of one hundred thousand dollars, with the condition that he
will faithfully execute and perform all and singular the duties
appertaining to this office according to the laws of the State and
the rules and regulations adopted in accordance therewith. Every
such bond, when duly executed and approved, shall be recorded in
the office of the clerk of the Court of Appeals and be deposited with
the Comptroller, and certified copies under seal of said court, may
be used as evidence in any court in this State. It shall be the duty
of the Governor at all times, when, in his opinion, the security or
securities of any member of said Commission have become or are
likely to become invalid or insufficient, to demand and require such
member of said Commission forthwith to renew his bond to the State
of Maryland, with security or securities to be approved by the
Governor, in the penalty and according to the form prescribed in
this section. Any member of said Commission who shall fail to take
oath and give bond with security or securities aforesaid within
thirty days of the date of his appointment, or who shall fail to renew
his bond with security or securities aforesaid within thirty days after
the same shall have been demanded and required by the Governor,
shall be deemed to be guilty of neglect of duty and shall be remov-
able as heretofore provided. The cost of any bond given by any
member of said Commission shall be taken to be a part of the
necessary expenses of said Commission and shall be payable as here-
inafter provided.] and shall, upon entering the performance of the
duties of his office, be covered by a surety bond in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 46 through 50 of Article 78A of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland.
Article 95
7. Clerks, assistants and other clerical help; chief deputy treasurer.
The Treasurer of Maryland shall appoint clerks, assistants and
other help in such numbers and at such salaries as may be provided
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