and 136B, to follow immediately after Sections 24(c), 49(b), 49(c),
65(d), 79, 80, 93, 99, 127, 134(b), 135(d) and 136, respectively;
and by redesignating the following Sections of said Article as
specified namely, 4(b) (7) as 4(c) (2), 4(b) (8) as 4(b) (7), 4(b) (9)
as 4(c) (1), 4(c) as 4(c) (3), 11(g) as 11 (f), 15(c) as 15(b), 18(a)
(8) as 18(a)(7), 18(a)(9) as 18(a)(8), 18(a)(10) as 18(a)(9),
63(4) as 63(3), 80(b) as 80A(b) and 80(c) as 80A(c); and by redes-
ignating the first clause of the first sentence of Section 150 of said
Article as Section 149 (b), to follow immediately after Section 149
(a); and by redesignating the following subtitles of said Article as
specified, namely, "By-laws, Books and Records" as "By-laws,
Books, Accounts, Records and Stockholders' Rights of Inspection
and to Information," and "Consolidation, Merger and Other Trans-
fers of Property" as "Consolidation, Merger and Other Trans-
fers of Property not in the Ordinary Course of Business"; gen-
erally revising the general corporation laws relating to stock
corporations (including the addition of new provisions for closely-
held corporations), non-stock corporations and particular classes
of corporations.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 2(4) of Article 23 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition), title "Corporations," subheading "I. Stock Corpo-
rations," subtitle "Definitions," be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments, to read as follows:
2. Definitions.
(4) ["Commission"] "Department" means State [Tax Com-
mission] Department of Assessments and Taxation of Maryland.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 4(a), 4(b)(l),
4(b)(7), 4(c), 5(a)(l) and 9(a)(5) of Article 23 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Corporations," subheading
"I. Stock Corporations," subtitle "Formation of Corporations," be and
they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to read
as follows; and that the following sections of said title subheading
and subtitle be and they are hereby redesignated as follows, namely,
4(b)(7) as 4(c)(2), 4(b)(8) as 4(b)(7), 4(b)(9) as 4(c)(l), and
4(c) as 4(c)(3), as follows:
4. Articles of Incorporation.
(a) For the purpose of forming a corporation, articles of in-
corporation shall be filed with the [Commission] Department signed
and acknowledged by [three] one or more persons of at least
twenty-one years of age, acting as incorporator or incorporators, and
the fees and bonus tax provided by law shall be paid.
(b)(l) [That the incorporators (stating their names, including
their given names, and post office addresses) are at least twenty-one
years of age and associate themselves with the intention of forming
a corporation.] The name (including given name) and post office
address of each incorporator, that each incorporator is at least
twenty-one years of age, and that the incorporator or incorpora-
tors are forming a corporation under the general laws of the State
of Maryland.