SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 123
(House Bill 405)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 40 (q)
of Article 10 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Supple-
ment) title "Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact.", subtitle
"State's Attorney," pertaining only to Prince George's County,
to increase THE NUMBER OF AND the salary of the Deputy
State's Attorney, to increase the salary of the full-time Assistant
State's Attorneys and to preclude the full-time Assistant State's
Attorneys from the private practice of law in any matter whatso-
ever, to increase the number of and the salary of the part-time
Assistant State's Attorneys.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 40 (q) of Article 10 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Supplement) title "Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in
Fact.", subtitle "State's Attorney," be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(q) Prince George's County.—In Prince George's County, (1)
the State's Attorney's salary [is fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000)
per annum until the first Monday in January, 1967, at which time
it] shall be twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) per annum. The
State's Attorney, during his term of office, shall not, except in con-
nection with and in the performance of his duties as such State's
Attorney, appear as counsel or represent any party professionally
before any Court, Magistrate, Board, Commission or Agency of this
State or any County or political subdivision of this State. It is
intended by the provisions herein that the State's Attorney shall not
engage in the private practice of law in any matter whatsoever.
(2) The State's Attorney may appoint one Deputy State's At-
torney and three FOUR full-time Assistant State's Attorneys and
[four] five part-time Assistant State's Attorneys. The salary of the
Deputy State's Attorney shall be [twelve thousand, five hundred dol-
lars ($12,500)] at such compensation, not exceeding fifteen thousand
dollars ($15,000), per annum as the State's Attorney may deem
proper, to be paid by the County on the certification of the State's
Attorney to the County Commissioners. The salary of the three FOUR
full-time Assistant State's Attorneys, [effective June 1, 1966,] shall
be at such compensation, not exceeding [ten thousand dollars
($10,000)] twelve thousand, five hundred dollars ($12,500) per an-
num each, as the State's Attorney may deem proper, to be paid by
the County on the certification of the State's Attorney to the County
Commissioners. The Deputy State's Attorney and the three FOUR
full-time Assistant State's Attorneys, during their terms of office shall
not, except in connection with and in the performance of their duties
as such Deputy and Assistant State's Attorneys, appear as Counsel
or represent any party professionally before any Court, Magistrate,
Board, Commission or Agency of this State or any County or polit-
ical subdivision of this State. It is intended by the provisions
herein that the Deputy State's Attorney and the full-time Assistant
State's Attorneys shall [devote their full-time and attention to the