defined as having a soft shell fully developed under the hard shell,
on which there is a pink line or rim on the edge of that part of the
back fin next to the outer section of this fin) measuring less than
three inches across the shell from tip to tip of spike, or any soft
crabs measuring less than three and one-half inches across the shell
from tip to tip of spike; nor shall any person take, catch or keep
in floats or in his possession any fat crabs, or any crab known as
snot crab or green crab or buckram crab (a crab that has a paper
shell). The provisions of this section shall apply to all waters of the
State of Maryland, and any person violating any provisions of this
section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction
be fined as hereinafter provided, and in addition thereto the deputy
commanders and inspectors of the State fishery force are hereby
authorized to confiscate and liberate into the waters of the State
any fat crab, snot crab, green crab, or buckram crab wherever found
and held in violation of this section, and said officers are further
authorized to confiscate any hard crabs, peelers or soft crabs of a
size less than the measurements hereinbefore provided, wherever
found, and shall dispose of any crabs so confiscated under the direc-
tion of the [Commission of Tidewater Fisheries] Department of
Chesapeake Bay Affairs to the best interests of the State.
The [Commission of Tidewater Fisheries] Department of Chesa-
peake Bay Affairs is hereby empowered to make such rules and
regulations and to modify the same, from time to time, to restrict
the taking or catching of crabs, the possession thereof, or the
methods by which same may be taken; to close or open any specified
area for the taking or catching of crabs, to prohibit or restrict de-
vices used for the taking or catching of crabs and to establish
seasons for taking same; to establish minimum size limits for hard,
soft and peeler crabs, and to make regulations with respect to taking
and possessing any fat crab, or any crab known as a snot crab,
green crab, or buckram crab (a crab that has a paper shell). Pro-
vided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to
empower said [Commission] Department to change existing license
fees for taking, picking, canning, packing, or shipping cooked hard
or soft crabs or crab meat; or for selling, marketing or shipping live
hard or soft crabs by barrel or crate. The [Commission] Department,
however, shall have the power to fix license fees on types of gear or
equipment not now permitted under existing statutes but which may
hereafter be authorized.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved April 21, 1967.
(Senate Bill 374)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 707 (d)
of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition