(Senate Bill 201)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 11 (a) of
Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance Law", subtitle
"Administrative Organization", amending the law concerning the
Board of Appeals of the Department of Employment Security with
particular respect to the filling of a vacancy in the position of
Chairman of the Board, and correcting an error in this section.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 11 (a) of Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1964 Replacement Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance
Law", subtitle "Administrative Organization", be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(a) The administration of this article is hereby placed under the
direction and supervision of the Department of Employment Security
under a full-time salaried Executive Director and a Board of Appeals
as hereinafter constituted. The administrative functions heretofore
exercised by the Employment Security Board, which Board is hereby
abolished, except those provided for by the second paragraph of
Sections 7 (c), 7(e), 7 (f), 7 (g), 7 (h), 7 (i), 15 (a) (4), the
second paragraph of Section 15 (b), Section 15 (c), and Section 16
(b) of this article from and after June 1, 1957, shall be exercised
by said Executive Director. Wherever within this article the word
"Board" appears, it shall be construed to mean Executive Director
except where the word "Board" appears in Sections 7 (c), 7 (e),
7 (f), 7 (g), 7 (h), 7 (i), 15 (a) (4), the second paragraph of
Section 15 (b), Section 15 (c), and Section 16 (b) of this article, it
shall be construed to mean Board of Appeals. When the word
"Board" appears in Sections 12 (g) (1), 12 (g) (2), 12 (h), 12 (i),
12 (j) and 18 (a), it shall be construed to mean both the Executive
Director and the Board of Appeals and they shall have equal and
independent authority to exercise the powers contained therein.
The Executive Director shall furnish to the Board of Appeals such
equipment, housing, supplies and services as may be necessary to the
operations of said Board of Appeals, and shall, with the approval of
the Board of Appeals, appoint an adequate number of referees and
other personnel, as may be required by the Board of Appeals, for
the proper and effective performance of the appeals procedures pro-
vided by this article. All personnel shall be under the administrative
authority of the Executive Director.
The manner in which appeals to the referees and the Board of
Appeals shall be presented, and the procedures governing such
appeals shall be in accordance with the rules or regulations pre-
scribed by the Board of Appeals pursuant to their authority as out-
lined in Section 7 (g) herein.
(1) Effective June 1, 1957, the Governor shall, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, appoint the Executive Director,
whose term shall expire May 31, 1961, and who shall have all of the
duties and shall exercise all of the powers conferred upon the Exec-
utive Director by this article. Upon the expiration of said term and