land use, transportation, public utilities, governmental facilities and
services, and natural resources. It shall take into account social and
economic factors, conditions, and trends that are relevant to the
probable future development of the area. In the preparation of the
suggested general development plan for that area. The Council shall
work closely with all units of government within the area, with other
metropolitan or regional planning agencies within and outside of the
State, with State departments and officials, and with private groups
concerned with orderly development of the area.
(b) The Regional Planning Council shall establish a period for the
completion of the suggested general development plan.
(c) In preparing the suggested general development plan, The
Council shall take account of the planning activities of federal, State,
county, municipal, or other local or private agencies within the area.
In preparing the plan of OR any part thereof, and in preparing from
time to time, revisions, amendments, extensions, or additions, The
Council may seek the cooperation and advice of other regional
or metropolitan agencies, educational and research organizations,
whether public or private, and of civic groups and private persons
and organizations. The suggested general development plan shall
embody the policy recommendations of The Council in regard to the
physical development of the area supplemented by maps, charts,
graphs, and such other descriptive matter as may be necessary to
depict the plan, and it shall contain:
(1) A statement of the objectives, standards, and principles sought
to be expressed in the suggested general development plan.
(2) Recommendations for the most desirable general pattern of
land use within the area, in the light of the best available information
concerning topography, climate, soil and underground conditions,
watercourses and bodies of water, and other natural or environmental
factors, as well as in the light of the best available information con-
cerning the present and prospective economic bases of the region,
trends of industrial, population or other developments, the habits
and standards of life of the people of the region and the relation of
land use within the area to land use in the adjoining areas. Such
recommendations, insofar as appropriate, shall indicate areas for
residential uses and maximum recommended densities therein; areas
for farming and forestry, mining and other extractive industries:
areas for manufacturing and industrial uses with classifications of
such areas in accordance with their compatibility with land use in
adjoining areas: areas for the concentration of -wholesale, retail busi-
ness, and other commercial uses; areas for recreational uses, and for
open spaces; and areas for mixed uses.
(3) The circulation pattern recommended for the area, including
routes and terminals, transit, transportation, and communication
facilities, whether [uses] used for movement within the area or for
movement from and to adjoining areas.
(4) Recommendations concerning the need for and the suggested
general location of public and quasi-public facilities, such as utilities,
flood-control works, water reservoirs and pollution-control facilities,
military or defense installations, which works or facilities by reason
of their function, size, extent, or for any other causes, are of regional
as distinguished from purely local concern, or which for any other