ment), subtitle "Places of Reformation and Punishment", subhead-
ings respectively "House of the Good Shepherd", "House of the
Good Shepherd for Colored Girls", "Boys' Village of Maryland",
"Maryland Training School for Boys", "Montrose School for
Girls", and "St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys"; to repeal and
re-enact, with amendments, Sections 3 and 13 (a) of Article 88A
of said Code (1964 Replacement Volume), title "State Department
of Public Welfare", subtitle "In General"; to repeal Sections 33 to
39, inclusive, and Sections 39A and 39B of said Article 88A (1964
Replacement Volume and 1965 Supplement), subtitles "Training
Schools for Delinquent Children", and "Maryland Children's Center
and Thomas J. S. Waxter Center"; creating and establishing a new
State Department of Juvenile Services and providing generally for
its officers, employees, powers, duties, and functions; creating and
establishing an Advisory Board of Juvenile Services and providing
generally for its members, powers, duties, and functions; making
the State Department of Juvenile Services the central, administra-
tive agency for juvenile probation and court services and for
juvenile diagnostic, educational training, detention, and rehabilita-
tion institutions in this State; providing for the legislative intent
in the enactment of this Act and for the purposes and programs
of the State Department of Juvenile Services and of the Advisory
Board of Juvenile Services; transferring certain educational train-
ing schools, detention and study centers, forestry camps, court
service facilities, and agencies from the State Department of Public
Welfare to the State Department of Juvenile Services and pro-
viding for the future operation and maintenance of such and other
schools, facilities, and agencies; providing for certain court and
probation services rendered to certain equity judges in the State
who are dealing with persons under the age of eighteen to be a
function of the State Department of Juvenile Services, and for the
transfer of such services from other State and local departments
and agencies; providing for the care, treatment, and rehabilitation
of delinquent minors AND THE CARE OF NEGLECTED, DE-
OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR; providing for the employment,
rights, duties, and privileges of the officers and employees of the
State Department of Juvenile Services, and for the transfer there-
to of certain officers and employees of other State or local depart-
ments, courts, or other agencies; PROVIDING FOR THE TRANS-
THIS ACT IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1967 ONLY; providing for
the operation of this Act in relation to certain other laws; revis-
ing and recodifying certain relevant laws; repealing certain obso-
lete provisions; and relating generally to delinquency, diagnosis,
courts for, care and treatment, rehabilitation, probation, and
development of minors and juveniles in this State, and for the
powers, duties, and functions in relation thereto of certain depart-
ments, courts, and other agencies of the State and its local
Whereas, The General Assembly of Maryland declares its convic-
tion that the protection of the public is the ultimate goal of any pro-
gram of controlling juvenile delinquency; and that the program which
is most effective in treating, educating, and rehabilitating youthful
offenders will be most economical and will best protect the public
over the years.