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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 146   View pdf image (33K)
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146                             LAWS OF MARYLAND                      [CH. 106

(House Bill 410)

AN ACT to create a Howard County Airport Study Commission to
study the need and advisability of the acquisition of land by the
County for the development of an airport, to provide for qualifi-
cations and appointment of its members, to require it to report
promptly and to provide funds for the purposes of the Commission.

Whereas, Howard County is on the threshold of unprecedented
growth in industry and population; and

Whereas, It is apparent that, because of this growth and the
proximity of Howard County to large metropolitan areas, an airport
may now or shortly be needed by the public and industry in the
county; and

Whereas, It is deemed desirable that a study be made of the
needs, possible locations and legal requirements before an airport
is constructed in Howard County; now therefore

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
as follows:

A.    The Howard County Airport Study Commission is hereby
created for the purpose of studying and making recommendations
concerning the advisability of building an airport in Howard County,
the legal requirements for such an airport, if needed, and the sug-
gested locations for such an airport, if needed in Howard County.
The Commission shall be composed of three (3) persons who shall
serve without compensation. The Commission members shall be
selected and appointed by the County Commissioners of Howard
County, with one of the members so named being designated as
chairman: In appointing the members of the Commission, the
County Commissioners shall select residents of the county whose
education and experience would especially equip them to make such
a study and shall include at least one licensed pilot.

B.    The Commission shall make a study of the regulations and
requirements for airports as set forth by the Federal Aviation
Agency and the State Aviation Commission of Maryland including
the possibility of obtaining Federal and/or State funds in the form
of loans and/or grants and possible centrally located areas where
an airport could be created which would result in a maximum of
public utility with a minimum of hazards to public health, safety,
and welfare. It shall meet as often as the members feel necessary to
accomplish their purpose. It shall assemble such data and obtain
such technical advisory services as may be needed.

C.    For these purposes the Commission is to be appointed by
July 1, 1966 and is directed to hold its first meeting not later than
August 1, 1966.

D.    The Commission shall report to the County Commissioners,
to the State Senator, the members of the House of Delegates and the
people of Howard County on or before January 1, 1967. Such report
shall be in writing and shall include its detailed findings, including
recommendations for any proposed legislation, advantages and dis-


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 146   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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