Be it further resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable J. Millard Tawes, Governor of Maryland.
Approved May 6, 1966.
No. 29
(Senate Joint Resolution 38)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works to seek
recommendations for the development and use of the old Carvel
Hall property in relation to Paca House.
The members of the General Assembly request the Board of Public
Works to develop a program for the use of the old Carvel Hall
property in Annapolis in conjunction with the Paca House.
In developing these recommendations and programs, the Board
of Public Works is requested to consult with the State Planning
Department, Historic Annapolis, Maryland Historic Trust and such
other agencies and organizations as might assist in the development
of such a program.
The Paca House, fronting on Prince George Street in Annapolis,
is one of the most valuable examples in the entire City of late 18th
Century architecture. It has a rich place in its heritage in the life
of Maryland, and its use for many years as part of Carvel Hall
Hotel has made it of strong interest to members of the General
Assembly. It is vital that since the hotel portion of the property
has been razed, some useful and beneficial program be devised to
put all this property to the highest and best use for the community
and State; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Board
of Public Works is requested to seek information from the State
Planning Department in cooperation with Historic Annapolis, the
Maryland Historic Trust and any other interested agencies and or-
ganizations in developing a program for the use of the old Carvel Hall
Hotel premises in relation to Paca House; and be it further
Resolved, That these several agencies are requested to cooperate
with and report to the Board of Public Works in order that an out-
standing program may be devised with maximum benefit and useful-
ness to the State of Maryland and the City of Annapolis.
Approved May 6, 1966.
No. 30
(Senate Joint Resolution 39)
Senate Joint Resolution expressing the support of the Senate of
Maryland for the efforts of the University of Maryland School of
Medicine to expand its capacity.