be open to the inspection of any landowners or other person inter-
ested, and the notices shall so state. A notice of this and all sub-
sequent hearings shall be sent to the State [Drainage Engineer]
Department of Drainage, State Soil Conservation Committee, and
Department of Water Resources at least ten days prior to the date
of such hearing.
Should the board of directors for the time being fail to call an
annual meeting of such landowners as aforesaid, or, such meeting
having been called, [should a quorum fail to be present,] should the
landowners fail to elect a director or directors, then in either case
the board of county commissioners, upon proof being given, is author-
ized and directed to appoint a person or persons to fill such a
vacancy or vacancies on the board of directors.
The board of directors of the public watershed association shall
proceed to develop a plan for the watershed or subwatershed area
for watershed protection, flood prevention, recreation, soil con-
servation, drainage, and/or the conservation, development, storage,
utilization and disposal of water for all beneficial purposes. It shall
engage the services of competent and experienced private engineers
or may use the services of planners and engineers of local, State and
federal agencies. The directors or their employees or agents may
enter upon the lands within or without the area in order to make
surveys and examinations to accomplish their purpose, being liable,
however, for actual damage done. Any person or corporation prevent-
ing such entrance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a
fine not exceeding fifty dollars in the discretion of the court.
The board of directors shall, upon completion of the watershed
work plan, or acceptance of a previously completed watershed work
plan, call a meeting of the owners of land within the watershed
association for the purpose of voting upon the adoption of the plan
for submission to the board of county commissioners. The board of
directors shall give at least ten days' notice of the meeting by notices
posted in four public places within the association or in the vicinity
thereof and by written or printed notices mailed to each owner of
land within such association stating the time, place and purpose
of the meeting. At such meeting, each landowner within the water-
shed association shall be entitled to one vote. Any such landowner
may vote by proxy if the proxy is dated, signed by the person
entitled to vote, and duly witnessed by at least one person. The
board of directors shall determine whether the plan shall be trans-
mitted to the board of county commissioners for review and ap-
proval. In making such determination the board of directors shall
consider the vote, the probable apportionment of benefits based on
acreage, location, and extent of such benefits to such voter's land by
the works of improvement.
Upon its determination that the watershed work plan should be
submitted to the board of county commissioners, the board of di-