J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1337
shed or subwatershed area, may be filed with the clerk of the board
of county commissioners of the county in which all or a greater part
of such land is located, describing the area in such a way as to
convey an intelligent idea of its location and boundaries, and its
problems of watershed protection, flood prevention, recreation, soil
conservation, drainage, and/or the conservation, development, stor-
age, utilization, and disposal of water, for all beneficial purposes and
that the public benefit, or the public health, safety or welfare
would be promoted by establishing works of improvement for water-
shed protection, flood prevention, recreation, soil conservation, drain-
age, and/or [of] the conservation, development, storage, utilization
and disposal of water for all beneficial purposes and asking for the
establishment of a public watershed association for such purposes.
Said petition shall be accompanied by a report from the local soil
conservation district or districts lying in whole or in part within
the proposed association, which shall show the following:
1. The size and location of the proposed public watershed associa-
2. The nature of the problems.
3. The types of treatment believed needed and the benefits
4. Whether the proposed public watershed association is practi-
cable and feasible and is generally supported by the landowners in
the area.
5. Whether it will promote the public benefit, and be conducive
to the public health, safety and welfare.
6. The name of the proposed organization which shall be styled
the "........................................................ Public Watershed Associa-
7. The number of directors (not less than 3) to serve as the
governing body.
The soil conservation district or districts shall file, with the re-
port, maps which shall show a general delineation of the area
affected, together with its location in the county or counties in-
The county commissioners shall, at their first meeting after re-
ceiving such petition and report, examine them, and if they are
found not to be in due form and in accordance with the law they
shall be referred back to the petitioners to be corrected and returned
to the county commissioners at a subsequent meeting. If the petition
and report are found to be in due form and in accordance with the
law, the county commissioners shall appoint a day for a public hear-
ing upon the report and petition and shall give not less than ten
days' notice of the time and place of the hearing. Such notice shall
be published in a newspaper or newspapers having a general circula-
tion in the county or counties in which the lands in the watershed
association are located. During this time a copy of the report shall
be on file in the office of the clerk of county commissioners, and shall