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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1328   View pdf image (33K)
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1326                              LAWS OF MARYLAND                       [CH. 750

194-H 210G.

The Judges of the People's Court of Wicomico County shall have all
the authority, power, civil and criminal jurisdiction in the whole of
said county, heretofore vested in the justices of the peace designated
as trial magistrates and other justices of the peace of said county.
In civil cases, the Judges shall have jurisdiction in cases where the
amount in controversy does not exceed One Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00), which jurisdictions shall be exclusive in cases
involving amounts not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300),
and provided that all cases where the amount in controversy exceeds
Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) may be immediately trans-
ferred or removed for trial by any party to the Circuit Court for
Wicomico County.

194-I 210H.

In addition to the power above enumerated and not in derogation
or limitation thereof, the Judges of the People's Court shall have
the following powers:

(a)    To provide by appropriate rules and printed forms, for the
administration of said Court and for the expeditious, orderly, ef-
ficient and simple practice and procedure in said Court which may
relate to, and include, but shall not be limited to, the fixing of court
costs, registered or certified mail service, return days, practice in
suits against nonresidents, attachments, replevins, joint tortfeasors,
counterclaims, cross-claims, and consolidations, continuances, depo-
sitions, dismissals, arbitrations, set-offs, appeal bonds, summary
judgments, judgments by default, judgments by confession, supple-
mentary proceedings, new trial, and such other matters not incon-
sistent with law. Such rules shall have the force of law until re-
scinded or modified by the said Judges or by the Judge of the
Circuit Court of Wicomico County.

(b)    To punish for contempt of court.

(c)    To suspend or reduce sentence and/or costs in any case
within their jurisdiction within ten (10) days after judgment has
been pronounced.

(d)    To place on probation before or after conviction and to
make conditions of probation.

(e)    To have concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court of
Wicomico County in cases involving care and custody of a minor.

194J 210-I.

(a) The Governor by and, with the advice and consent of the
Senate shall appoint justices of the peace in Wicomico County who
shall be designated committing magistrates of the People's Court of
Wicomico County and who from and after May 1, 1967, shall have
throughout the county all the powers and jurisdiction vested by law
in justices of the peace other than trial magistrates and substitute
trial magistrates.

(b)There shall be such number of committing magistrates, but

no less than two; as may be recommended by the Wicomico County


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1328   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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