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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1291   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor                       1291

40. (q) Prince George's County

In Prince George's County, (1) the State's Attorney's sal-
ary is fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per annum until the first
Monday in January, 1967, at which time it shall be twenty thousand
dollars ($20,000) per annum. The State's Attorney, during his term
of office, shall not, except in connection with and in the performance
of his duties as such State's Attorney, appear as counsel or represent
any party professionally before any Court, Magistrate, Board, Com-
mission or Agency of this State or any County or political sub-
division of this State. It is intended by the provisions herein that
the State's Attorney shall not engage in the private practice of law
IN ANY MATTER whatsoever.

(2)    The State's Attorney may appoint one Deputy State's At-
torney and three full-time Assistant State's Attorneys and four
part-time Assistant State's Attorneys. The salary of the Deputy
State's Attorney shall be twelve thousand, five hundred dollars
($12,500) per annum, to be paid by the County on the certification
of the State's Attorney to the County Commissioners. The salary
of the three full-time Assistant State's Attorneys, as of
June 1, 1966, shall be at such compensation, not exceeding ten thou-
sand dollars ($10,000) per annum each, as the State's Attorney may
deem proper, to be paid by the County on the certification of the State's
Attorney to the County Commissioners. The Deputy State's Attorney
and the three full-time Assistant State's Attorneys, during their terms
of office shall not, except in connection with and in the performance
of their duties as such Deputy and Assistant State's Attorneys, appear
as Counsel or represent any party professionally before any Court,
Magistrate, Board, Commission or Agency of this State or any
County or political subdivision of this State. It is intended by the
provisions herein that the Deputy State's Attorney and the full-
time Assistant State's Attorneys shall devote their full-time and
attention to the duties of their office as required, and shall not
represent any client or receive any professional fee of any kind in
connection with any matter which is
PENDING or is appropriate to be
pending before any Court, Magistrate, Board, Commission or Agency.
The salary of the four part-time Assistant State's Attorneys shall be
at such compensation, not exceeding five thousand, four hundred dol-
lars ($5,400) per annum each, as the State's Attorney may deem
proper, to be paid by the County of
ON the certification of the State's
Attorney to the County Commissioners.

(3)    The salary of the State's Attorney, the Deputy State's At-
torney and the Assistant State's Attorneys shall be paid in equal semi-
monthly installments.

(4)    The Deputy State's Attorney and the Assistant State's At-
torneys shall perform such work as may be directed by the State's
Attorney, or as authorized by law, and under the direction of the
State's Attorney, may present cases to the Grand Juries, sign in-
dictments and criminal informations and perform such other acts
and duties in relation to the Grand Juries and in the operation of
the office as are necessary and proper.


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1291   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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