There is hereby established a program of State scholarships for
students enrolled in Morgan State College of Baltimore City.
(a) Beginning for the academic year 1966-67 and thereafter, one
student from each COUNTY AND EACH senatorial district of [the
State] Baltimore City, and each county, [appointing] appointed
according to the provisions of Section 282 of this article, shall be
educated by the College free of charge for tuition, room and board.
(a) All scholarships to St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. John's
College of Annapolis, Hood College, the Peabody Institute of Balti-
more City, Western Maryland College, the College of Notre Dame of
Maryland, Loyola College, Mount Saint Agnes College, Mount Saint
Mary's College, Saint Joseph College, the Maryland Institute, the
University of Maryland, Maryland State College at Princess Anne,
Charlotte Hall School, Washington College, The Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity and Morgan State College provided for under Section 260,
Section 261, Section 263, sub-section (a) of Section 264, Section 265,
Section 265A, Section 265B, Section 265C, Section 265D, Section
265E, sub-section (a) of Section 267, sub-section (a) of Section 268,
Section 268A, Section 268B, Section 272, Section 280 and Section 281
of this article, to which residents of the Senatorial 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
5th and 6th districts of Baltimore City and Allegany, Anne Arun-
del, Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett,
Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, St.
Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico and Worcester
counties may be entitled shall be awarded by the State Senator for
the respective district or county, or if there is no resident Senator
for the county, then such award shall be made by the delegation to
the House of Delegates from each county. All such scholarships to
which the residents of Baltimore County may be entitled shall be
awarded by the appropriate authorities of the college or institution
concerned. All such scholarships to which the residents of Caroline
County may be entitled shall be awarded by the Caroline County
Board of Education; the list of applicants from Caroline County who
passed the examination provided for elsewhere in this Section, shall
be furnished by the respective institutions to the Board of Educa-
tion of the county, with the recommendations of the institutions con-
cerning the awarding of the respective scholarships, this list and the
recommendations to be furnished after those applicants who have
passed the said examination have been personally interviewed by the
Dean of Admissions, Committee on Admissions or appropriate au-
thorities of the respective institutions. All such scholarships to which
the residents of Harford County may be entitled shall be awarded by
the Harford County Board of Education.
(e) If no qualified applicant shall have been appointed to receive
a scholarship to be awarded according to the provisions of this sec-
tion, the appointing authority concerned may, at his discretion, ap-
point to said vacant scholarship a person who, at the time of the
examination referred to in sub-section (d) of this section, resided in
a [senatorial district] political subdivision of the State other than
that for which the scholarship is provided; provided that said person
must otherwise fulfill the requirements established for appointment
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