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Session Laws, 1965
Volume 676, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor                        99

(v) Refuses to be examined or to produce its accounts, records
and files for examination by the Commissioner when required; or
refuses to furnish such other additional information as the Commis-
sioner may deem advisable to consider the application for renewal
of such insurer's certificate of authority.

(vi) Fails to pay any final judgment rendered against it in
Maryland within thirty (30) days after such judgment becomes final.

(vii) Is affiliated with and under the same general management
or interlocking: directorate or ownership as another insurer which
transacts direct insurance in Maryland without having a certificate
of authority therefor, except as permitted to a surplus-line insurer
under subtitle 13.

(viii) Is found by the Commissioner to have participated either
with or without the knowledge of an agent or broker in the selling
of motor vehicle insurance without any bona fide intention to sell
such insurance, as evidenced by a persistent pattern of filing of
certificates of insurance together with or closely followed by can-
cellation notices for such insurance under the Unsatisfied Claim and
Judgment Fund law.


An original application for license may be refused until the Com-
missioner is satisfied under the provisions of Sections 35-39 that the
applicant is not guilty of violating any provisions of this section. A
license duly issued may be suspended or revoked or the renewal
thereof refused by the Commissioner if he finds, after notice and
hearing in accordance with the provisions of Sections 35-39, that the
applicant for, or holder of such license:

(1)    Has wilfully violated any provision of this article or of any
other law of this State relating to insurance as herein defined, or
relating to another type of insurance; or

(2)    Has intentionally misrepresented or concealed any material
act in the application for such license; or

(3)    Has obtained, or attempted to obtain, such license by mis-
representation, concealment or other fraud; or

(4)    Has misappropriated, converted or unlawfully withheld
money belonging to an insurer, agent, broker, beneficiary, or an
insured; or

(5)    Has wilfully and materially misrepresented the provisions
of an insurance policy; or

(6)    Has committed fraudulent or dishonest practices in the busi-
ness of insurance; or

(6A) Has participated with or without the knowledge of an in-
surer in the selling of motor vehicle insurance without any bona fide
intention to sell such insurance, as evidenced by a persistent pattern
of filing of certificates of insurance together with or closely followed
by cancellation notices for such insurance under the Unsatisfied
Claim and Judgment Fund law; or

(7)    Has been convicted by final judgment in any state or federal
court of a crime involving moral turpitude; or


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Session Laws, 1965
Volume 676, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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