clean articles for soiled articles, may register the same, and thereby
procure all of the benefits of such registration, guaranteed under the
provision of this sub-title, as to all like containers, or clean laundered
or soiled articles similarly marked, whether such containers or such
articles were actually in existence or not at the time of registration.
Any such owner or dealer desiring to register such returnable con-
tainer, or such clean laundered articles, shall cause to be prepared a
clear statement of the character of such container, or such clean
laundered articles, with a comprehensive description of such distin-
guishing name, mark or device, so affixed, attached, impressed or im-
printed thereto or thereon, the same to be subscribed and acknowl-
edged by the said owner or dealer, or by an officer thereof, should
such owner or dealer be a body corporate; such subscription and ac-
knowledgment to be made before any officer qualified to take acknowl-
edgments to deed in the State of Maryland. After such description
shall have been so made, subscribed and acknowledged, it shall be
published in two successive issues not in the same week, in some
newspaper published in the county where the principal office, place
of business or agency of the said owner or dealer is located; or, if
the same be located in the City of Baltimore, then by causing such
description to be printed twice a week for two successive weeks in
some daily paper published therein. Thereupon, the said description,
together with the certificate of publication, certified to by the owner
or manager of the newspaper in which the same shall have been pub-
lished, shall be recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of
the county in which the principal office, place of business or agency
of the said owner or dealer is located, or with the clerk of the supe-
rior court of Baltimore City, should such principal office, place of
business or agency be located in the said city.
472. Assignment or Transfer of Registration. After such con-
tainer, or such clean laundered article, shall have been so registered
as hereinbefore provided, the said owner or dealer may assign and
transfer the said registration, provided a copy of said assignment or
transfer shall be recorded at the place of original recordation, and if
that be not the place at which the principal office, place of business or
agency of such assignee or transferee is located, then such assign-
ment or transfer shall also be registered in the same manner as is
hereinbefore provided for original registration, and when so made
and recorded such transfer or assignment shall secure to the assignee
or transferee all the benefits of this sub-title.
473. Recording of Registration and Transfer; Certified Copies
as Evidence. The said clerks mentioned in Section 471 shall record
in some book of record in their respective custody, all such descrip-
tions in Section 472 of this article authorized to be filed with them,
together with the certificates of the publishers of said newspapers in
which the same have been published; and also all assignments and
transfers thereof as hereinbefore provided; and said respective clerks
shall furnish copies of such records duly certified by them in the
usual manner to all persons who may apply therefor, and shall re-
ceive for such recording and such copies the fees paid with respect
to bills of sale; and a certified copy of said descriptions and of the
said advertisements and certificates of the said publishers of the said
newspaper, or of said assignments or transfers when certified to
under the hand of the clerk with whom the same are of record, with
the seal of his office attached, shall be evidence that the provisions of