J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 81
Cecilton Fire Company, Inc., $3,100. Hack's Point Fire Company,
$2,400. Charlestown Fire Company, Inc., $3,000. Chesapeake City
Fire Company, $3,200. and $1,000. for the ambulance. Singerly Fire
Company of Elkton, $4,200. for operation and maintenance and
$1,000 for the ambulance. North East Fire Company, $3,600. and
$1,000. for the ambulance. Community Fire Company of Perryville,
$2,900. and $1,000. for the ambulance. Water Witch Fire Company
at Port Deposit, $3,600. Rising Sun Fire Company, $3,600. and
$1,000. for the ambulance.
Levy shall be made May 1 and the said sum of money to be paid
by the County Commissioners of Cecil County to the said volunteer
fire companies. The said County Commissioners are hereby directed
to require each of the said volunteer fire companies to file, annually,
a fair statement of the value of their respective fire fighting ap-
paratus. Each of the said volunteer fire companies shall also file
with the County Commissioners a statement of the number of fires
to which their respective companies were called during the previous
year, the estimated value of the property in which the fires occurred
and the estimated loss to the same by reason of any fire.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved March 11, 1965.
(Senate Bill 241)
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 233 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of 1963, which Act authorized and empowered the County Com-
missioners of Talbot County to borrow an amount not to exceed
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for the purpose of making addi-
tions or alterations to existing school buildings, to acquire land
and construct new schools; and to authorize and empower the
County Commissioners of Talbot County, from time to time, to
borrow not exceeding Two Million, One Hundred Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($2,150,000) in order to finance the construction, acquisi-
tion, improvement or extension of public schools in said County,
as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and
sale to the highest bidder or bidders at public sale of its general
obligation, serial maturity coupon bonds in like par amount; em-
powering said County to fix and determine, by resolution, the form,
tenor, interest rates or method of arriving at the same, terms, in-
cluding redemption and registration provisions, conditions, matur-
ities and all other details incident or necessary to the issuance,
public sale and delivery of said bonds, without reference to any
other law heretofore enacted; prescribing the method and manner
of selling said bonds at public sale; empowering said County, sub-
ject to certain limitations, to sell said bonds at, above or below the
par value thereof; empowering said County to refund any of said
bonds purchased or redeemed in advance of maturity; empowering
and directing said County to apply to the payment of principal and
interest of said bonds and said refunding bonds any funds re-