sub-title "Mt. Airy", as enacted in Section 73 of Chapter 538 of
the Acts of 1951; and to repeal Section 553 of said Code, sub-title
"Westminster", repealing certain local laws of Carroll County
which concern payments by the County Commissioners of Carroll
County to the political subdivisions of Manchester, Mt. Airy, and
Westminster of a portion of certain taxes levied and collected by
the County Commissioners; and relating generally to such taxes
and to the repair, maintenance, and improvement of streets, roads,
and bridges within certain portions of Carroll County.
Whereas, The local laws of Carroll County contain a number of
sections which relate to payments made by the County Commissioners
to the several political subdivisions within the County of a portion
of the road taxes levied and collected by the County Commissioners;
Whereas, The State Law Department in a letter dated December
29, 1959, ruled that such sections may be repealed by the General
Assembly despite the fact that they have been codified as portions
of municipal charters; and
Whereas, In its ruling, the Law Department held that comparable
sections in another Article of the Code of Public Local Laws did not
relate strictly to the government and affairs of the several municipal
corporations therein, and that they were not within the contempla-
tion of Article HE of the Constitution, and therefore could be re-
pealed by the General Assembly; and
Whereas, In Chapter 45 of the Acts of 1961, the General Assembly
has set the precedent of repealing such sections in the charters of
municipal corporations of another county in this State; now, there-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 190 of Article 7 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, (1930 Edition), title "Carroll County", sub-title "Man-
chester" be and it is hereby repealed; and that Section 73 of said
Code, sub-title "Mt. Airy", as enacted in Section 73 of Chapter 538
of the Acts of 1951, be and it is hereby repealed; and that Section 553
of said Code, sub-title "Westminster", be and it is hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved March 11, 1965.
(Senate Bill 107)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 10 (e)
of Article 51 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replace-
ment Volume) title "Juries", sub-title "Qualification and Selection
of Jurors", correcting two errors in the jury laws applicable to
certain counties of this State.