and one of whom shall be a member of the Board of County Com-
missioners. All members of the Board, except the County Commis-
sioner member who shall serve for his elected term of office, shall
be appointed for four years from the first day of January of the
year of their appointments or until their successors are appointed.
The members of the Board, other than the County Commissioner
member, when first appointed, shall be divided into three classes.
The initial terms of those in the first class shall be for four years;
of those in the second class, three years; and of those in the third
class, two years. Vacancies, except those at the expiration of a term,
shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments and
for the unexpired term. In the appointment of Board members the
County Commissioners shall give due regard to population and geog-
raphy. All members of the Board shall serve without compensation.
(c) The Board shall annually elect a chairman and a vice-chair-
man from its membership; and it shall also elect a secretary and a
treasurer, who may or may not be members thereof. The Board may
require the treasurer to give bond in such amount as it may deter-
mine, and it is further authorized to adopt all necessary rules and
regulations for the conduct of its business and for the protection of
properties under its control. The Board shall hold such regular and
special meetings as it may deem necessary. The Board is authorized
to determine all questions of general policy relating to parks and
public recreation in the county and to supervise the expenditure of
funds. It shall have the power to appoint advisory committees or
panels to assist in the exercise of its powers and functions.
(d) The Board, with the approval of the County Commissioners,
may accept real and personal property of all kinds suitable for
recreational purposes and public parks. The County Commissioners
may appropriate in the annual county budget such sums as may be
necessary to purchase land, construct improvements, and defray
expenses for the maintenance of recreation and park areas under
the control of the Board and for the support of recreation and park
programs. The acquisition of property, with the approval of the
County Commissioners, may be by purchase, condemnation, grant,
bequest, devise, or lease of the fee or any lessor interest, develop-
ment, rights, assignment, covenant or other contractual right neces-
sary for recreation and park programs. The Board, with the approval
of the County Commissioners, shall have the power to sell or in any
manner dispose of said recreation or park properties.
(e) The Board, subject to budgetary policies and appropriations
of the County Commissioners, is authorized to initiate, adopt, direct,
or cause to be conducted or directed, a comprehensive program of
public recreation in schools, parks or other lands or buildings, either
publicly or privately owned. It is further authorized to develop,
equip, operate, maintain, and issue permits for the use of any facili-
ties made available to the Board.
(f) The control of any land, buildings or other acceptable facili-
ties shall be in accord with agreements reached between the Board
and the person, corporation or agency having jurisdiction over such
properties. No power or authority conferred by this section shall be
construed to abridge or limit the power of the County Commis-
sioners, the Board of Education, or of any governmental agency, or
of any person or corporation, to refuse to permit or limit the use