J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 73
The Circuit Court for Carroll County shall hold four terms of
court for common law proceedings, commencing respectively on the
second Monday in February, on the second Monday of May, on the
second Monday of August and on the second Monday of November
in each and every year, to which terms in May and November both
grand and petit jurors shall be summoned, and to which February
and August [term] terms petit jurors only shall be summoned, and
to which August term the Circuit Court shall have the option of
summoning [either] grand jurors [or petit jurors or both]; and it
shall be in the power of the court in its sound discretion not to
summon any grand jurors if none are needed in the August term.
The trial term of said court for the cases depending therein upon
issues of facts, to be tried by a jury, shall be the term to which
jurors shall be summoned next succeeding the terms to which original
process may be returnable to the term next succeeding the date of
the issue thereof, and the drawing of jurors for the jury terms
aforesaid shall be in all respects as now prescribed by law, except
that for the February term and August term aforesaid, and not less
than fifteen days before the same, there shall be drawn from the
names remaining in the box from which the jury for the preceding
November term and for the preceding May term, respectively, is
drawn twenty-five names, which shall constitute the petit jurors for
said February term or August term, as the case may be, subject to
the same provisions and regulations applicable to the correction and
completion of the jurors drawn from other jury terms aforesaid.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 19-28, inclusive,
of said Article and sub-title, sub-heading "Practice Act", be and
they are hereby repealed; and that a new Section 19 be and it is
hereby enacted, to stand in the place of the Section 19 so repealed,
and to be under the new sub-heading "Unclaimed Personal Prop-
erty", and to read as follows:
Unclaimed Personal Property
(a) Any personal property in the custody of the Circuit Court or
of any of its officers or employees (1) which came into such custody
as a result of any official business or transactions before the Circuit
Court, (2) which is unclaimed for a period of sixty days after coming
into such custody, and (3) for which no lawful claimant is available
to accept delivery, may be sold as in this section provided.
(b) The judge or judges of the Circuit Court for Carroll County,
if in his or their judgment a lawful claimant for the property is not
available or is unknown, shall instruct the Clerk of the Court to sell
any unclaimed personal property. The sale shall be for cash to the
highest responsible bidder at public auction.
(c) Notice of the proposed sale shall be given at least thirty days
prior thereto, to the owner of record of the unclaimed personal
property, by notice posted in the Courthouse, by at least one publi-
cation in a paper in general circulation throughout Carroll County,
and (if possible) by letter addressed to the last known address of
the owner of record.
(d) The net proceeds from any such sale, after the payment of