laneous Provisions" and to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 84 of Article 77 of said Code, title "Public Education", sub-
title "Chapter 6. District School Trustees", amending the laws
concerning the use of public schools and public educational institu-
tion facilities for certain public meetings and functions, in order
to eliminate a duplicating law and to consolidate all these laws
into one section of the Code.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 210 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition), title "Elections", sub-title "Miscellaneous Provisions"
be and it is hereby repealed; and that Section 84 of Article 77 of said
Code, title "Public Education", sub-title "Chapter 6. District School
Trustees", be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
The county school superintendents of Maryland are hereby author-
ized to enlarge the usefulness and increase the efficiency of public
school property by allowing the use of public schoolhouses for
farmers meetings, meetings of the Farmers' education and Coopera-
tive Union of America, grange meetings, Maryland Agriculture
Society-Maryland Farm Bureau Federation, public speakings, lec-
tures, entertainments, church festivals, Red Cross meetings, Y.M.C.A.
meetings, meetings and entertainments of the American Legion,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, United Spanish-American War Veterans
and other regularly incorporated and recognized veteran's associ-
ations, and for any other purposes which are for the civic welfare.
Provided, however, that all such meetings held in the public school
buildings shall at all times be open to the public. Provided, further,
that in Montgomery County, the County Board of Education is hereby
authorized to allow, in its discretion, the use of public schoolhouses in
Montgomery County for religious purposes, partisan political meet-
ings and public elections upon the usual application and conditions.
Provided, further, that in Anne Arundel County and Cecil County,
the county board of education is hereby authorized to allow, in its
discretion, the use of public schoolhouses for Sunday school or church
purposes upon the usual application and conditions while the build-
ings in which the Sunday schools or church services are usually
conducted are being renovated, repaired or built. The use of the
schoolhouses is to be temporary only and to cease as soon as the
buildings ordinarily used are renovated, repaired or built. Provided,
further, that in Anne Arundel County and Cecil County the county
board of education is hereby authorized to allow, in its discretion,
the use of the public school grounds therein by volunteer fire depart-
ments in said counties for firemen's carnivals. Provided, further, that
[, in Prince George's County and in Calvert and Harford counties]
the county superintendent of schools in any county and the president
or other executive officer of the University of Maryland, any State
college or any other institution of higher learning [in Prince George's
County,] supported by contributions of public funds, shall, subject
to application therefor and availability of the space requested without
conflict with a scheduled school-student use or prior scheduled event
for the time requested, allow the use of public schoolhouses and
such school, university, college or institutions buildings and audi-
torium facilities for religious purposes, public meetings, partisan
political meetings, and for campaign programs in relation to and