the district board; provided, however, that the county superintendent
shall not be required to name more than three teachers for any one
place in said school.]
[No teacher shall have the power to dismiss pupils or close the
school during school hours unless in case of emergency without the
consent of the district board of trustees or the county superintendent
or the county board of education.]
[A majority of the board of school trustees shall have the power
to appoint a janitor for schools under their jurisdiction, but this
provision shall not apply to Montgomery County. One or more of
the district board of school trustees may visit the schools under
their jurisdiction at least once each month and consult with the
teachers and principal of the school as to the progress of pupils,
condition and cleanliness of the school, and the grounds belonging to
same, and give such aid as in their power for the advancement of
said school.]
No schoolhouse shall be used for any other purpose than public
school purposes and school district meetings unless by consent of
the county board of education; provided, however, whenever an
application is made to the [district board of school trustees,] County
Board of Education, signed by twenty-five citizens in the school
[district] system where the said school is situated, requesting the
use of the school building for a nonpartisan gathering of citizens for
the presentation and discussion of public questions or for other civic,
social or recreational activities, the said school authorities shall allow
the free use of such school building or grounds of same for the
purposes enumerated above; provided, however, said meetings shall
be held during those hours when the school buildings are not being
used for their principal purpose.
When the citizens of any community are organized into a non-
partisan, nonsectarian, nonexclusive association for the presentation
and discussion of public questions, such organizations, upon request
to the county board of education [or the trustees of any school],
may, in the discretion of the said board [authorities], have the free
use of any school building under the control of the said county board
[in this State], for weekly, biweekly, or monthly gatherings, or at
such times as the citizens' organization shall request or designate;
provided, however, said meetings shall be held during those hour?
when the school buildings are not being used for their principal
The [trustees of any schools, or the] county board of education
may provide for the free and [gratuitious] gratuitous use of school-
houses for such other civic, social and recreational activities, as in
their opinion do not interfere with the principal use of the said
school buildings or properties.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved April 8, 1965.