taxation to the extent of the value of the lumber or timber used in
the construction of said building and grown on the land of the
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved March 11, 1965.
(Senate Bill 50)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 8(c) (4)
of Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance Law", sub-title
"Contributions", to correct a reference contained therein.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 8(c) (4) of Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1964 Replacement Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance
Law", sub-title "Contributions", be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (c) (3) of this
section, the rate set forth in the table of basic rates or alternate
rate tables, as the case may be, shall be subject to adjustments as
On March 31, 1964, and on each computation date thereafter, the
Executive Director shall compute for the immediately following fiscal
year an adjustment percentage. Such adjustment percentage shall
be the quotient of the total benefits which were either noncharged
or ineffectively charged to all employers' experience-rating records
during the 36-consecutive-calendar-month period ending on the com-
putation date divided by the total taxable wages paid during the
three-consecutive-calendar-year period ending on December 31 of
the calendar year immediately preceding such computation date by
all employers subject to this article, which wages were reported to
the Executive Director, rounded to the nearest one tenth of one (1)
percent. Contributions at a rate equal to such adjustment percentage
so computed shall be paid by each employer subject to this article and
shall be in addition to any other contributions payable under this
article. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term "ineffective-
ly charged benefits" shall include all benefits charged to any employ-
er's experience-rating record after the previously charged benefits to
such record were sufficient to qualify him for the maximum contribu-
tion rate as set forth in the table of basic rates in subsection (c) (3)
(ii) of this section, and the term "noncharged benefits" shall include
all benefits which were not charged or chargeable to any employer's
experience-rating record under the law as provided in subsection
(c) (6) of this section prior to June 1, 1964, when such benefits were