J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 487
Assistant Securities Commissioner shall be included in the Classi-
fied Service, or Merit System, of this State, and making conditional
provision for the inclusion therein of the incumbent Assistant
Securities Commissioner as of July 1, 1965.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 3 of Article 64A of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1964 Replacement Volume), title "Merit System," be and it is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and that Section
30 (a) of Article 32A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964
Supplement), title "Department of Law," subtitle "Maryland Securi-
ties Act," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
Article 64A
The following positions shall not be included in the classified
service, namely: Those held by officers elected by popular vote and
officers whose appointment and election is provided by the Constitu-
tion, including deputy clerks provided for by the Constitution, Article
4, Sections 26 and 37; officers and employees of the General Assembly
or of either house thereof; deputies, assistants and employees ap-
pointed or designated by any sheriff, any register of wills, any
clerk of court, any State's attorney or any board of supervisors of
elections; supervisors of assessments in the several counties; the
deputy and assistant attorneys general and all other attorneys
employed in, or connected with, the State Law Department [;],
except where a specific statutory provision includes any such person
in the classified service; the general counsel and assistant general
counsel of the Public Service Commission; with the exception of
the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, members of boards and com-
missions and all other persons holding positions by direct appoint-
ment from the Governor or from the Board of Public Works; all
secretaries, chief clerks, and chief administrative officials of all
State offices, boards, commissions, departments, and institutions as
determined by the Commissioner with the approval of the Governor;
employees of or assigned to the executive mansion; members of
the police force and all employees of the police commissioner for the
City of Baltimore and of the board of police examiners of Baltimore
City provided for by Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1949 Edition), title "City of Baltimore," subtitle "Police
Commissioner," Sections 868 to 968, both inclusive, and any amend-
ments thereto it being intended that said sections, and any amend-
ments thereto, shall remain in effect independently of this article; all
positions in State offices, boards, commissions, departments and in-
stitutions, which the Commissioner may determine, with the approval
of the Governor, require medical, engineering, scientific, educational
or expert training and qualifications; all registrars and librarians
designated as holding faculty rank by the respective boards of
trustees of the State teachers' colleges, St. Mary's Female Seminary,
Morgan State College and University of Maryland and the business
manager at Morgan State College; all teachers, principals, directors
of education and supervisors of vocational education on the staffs
of Barrett School for Girls, Boys' Village of Maryland, Maryland
Training School for Boys, Montrose School for Girls and Maryland
Children's Center; and all positions the annual salary for which