J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 23
The three County Commissioners elected at said general election
in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three shall hold office for the
terms of six, four and two years respectively from the date of their
election, and the Governor so soon as he conveniently may after re-
ceiving the official returns of said election shall fairly determine by
lot which of said three commissioners shall hold his office for the
term of six years, and which for the term of four years, and which
for the term of two years, and in accordance with said determination
by lot shall issue to them their commissions for their annual terms;
thereafter beginning at the general election on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday in the month of November in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-five at each general election on the same day in
every second year, one County Commissioner for the said county
shall be elected for the term of six years from the date of his election,
in case the office of any of them shall become vacant by death, resig-
nation or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint any proper person
to fill said vacancy until the next general election, and if the term of
the commissioners, by whose death, resignation or incapacity, the
office has become vacant, be not then completed, a commissioner shall
be elected to same for the unexpired term occasioned by the vacancy
that is for two or more years as the case may be.]
The County Commissioners of Caroline County [shall between the
first day of March and the first day of June, beginning with the year
nineteen hundred and twenty-two, and every two years thereafter,]
after their qualification and organization shall appoint a clerk to the
County Commissioners of said county, who shall take office [on the
first day of July next ensuing his appointment] forthwith and who
shall hold his office [for a term of two years, subject, however, to the
right of removal by] at the pleasure of the County Commissioners
at any time; and the said clerk to the County Commissioners shall
receive [a salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) per annum,
payable in twelve (12) equal instalments of One Hundred and
Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) each at the expiration of each and
every month accounting from the date of his appointment, and he
shall receive no extra compensation for any service rendered the
county.] such compensation as may be determined by the County
Commissioners from time to time.
If any person shall be fined for any misdemeanor and is unable to
pay the fine or fees, or give security, and be imprisoned for want of
security, they may levy the amount of fees on the county, and the
levy so made shall entitle the prisoner to his immediate discharge if
he pay the fine or be legally discharged therefrom; and a certificate
from a majority of the Commissioners, in the recess of the Commis-
sioners, under their hand, that they will pay such fees at their next
session, shall be binding on the Commissioners and entitle the prisoner
to a discharge.]
They are authorized and directed to appropriate annually, and pay