J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1697
Executive Department
Annapolis, Maryland
Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland at its January
Session of 1963, enacted two Acts proposing amendments to the Con-
stitution of Maryland, to be submitted to the voters at the next
Congressional Election, to wit: Chapter 192 proposing an amendment
to the Constitution of Maryland to extend the time during which a
charter board under the home rule provisions for counties may pre-
pare a charter form of government and correcting errors therein;
Chapter 744, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Mary-
land to provide that in Montgomery County, on and after November
8, 1966, the several judges of the Circuit Court for Montgomery
County shall sit alternately in rotation as an Orphans' Court for
said County, exercising all the power, authority and jurisdiction
which Orphans' Courts now or hereafter have or exercise, and to
eliminate the election of Orphans' Court judges in Montgomery
County; and
Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland at its February
Session of 1964, enacted two Acts proposing amendments to the
Constitution of Maryland, to be submitted to the voters at the next
Congressional Election, to wit: Chapter 129, to amend the Declara-
tion of Rights of the Constitution of Maryland to declare that the
office of Notary Public shall not be considered an office of profit within
the meaning of that Article; Chapter 161, proposing to amend the
Constitution of Maryland, relating to the duration of Sessions of
the General Assembly, making accompanying changes in the present
Constitutional provisions concerning the salary of members of the
General Assembly, the term of office of the Governor, the nomination
of civil officers appointed by the Governor, the time and conditions
for introduction of bills and the submission of the budget to the
General Assembly by the Governor, and correcting an error in Article
3, Section 15 of the Constitution; and
Whereas, the said above recited Acts and each of them, and
Article XIV of the Constitution, provide for the submission of the
same to the legal and qualified voters of the State for their adoption
or rejection, at the election to be held on November 3, 1964; and
Whereas, at the election held on the day and date above set
forth, the said Acts and each of them were so submitted to the legal
and qualified voters of the State and from the certified copies of the
returns thereof, duly filed with me and certified to by the Board of
Canvassers at its meeting held in the State House in Annapolis,
Maryland, on November 30th, 1964, as directed by the Constitution
and Laws of the State, it appears that:
For the adoption of Chapter 192, as aforesaid, 375,853 votes
were cast, and against the adoption thereof, 167,007 were cast;